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Oxford University Press: Should Animals Have the Right to Vote?

A bit of a light-hearted story amid the 24/7 news cycle of death and destruction. Extremists among the animal rights community believe that animals deserve the right to vote in elections. As asinine as this theory sounds, the community has managed to publish their proposal in the Oxford University Press, a respected source. “Should Animals […]

The Coming Middle East War

QUESTION: Why does Biden never discuss Iran, and the Democrats keep handing money back to Iran to fund their terror against Israelis and Sunnis? Are they trying to creat World War III? FG ANSWER: Look, there is much more going on behind the curtain than mainstream media reports. On August 3, 2023, a feud with […]

Argentine Follows US Charging Political Oppoent To Influence Election

A prosecutor launched a criminal case Friday against Argentina’s frontrunner in this month’s presidential elections, accusing Javier Milei of deliberately causing a drop in the Argentine currency when he encouraged citizens not to save in pesos. What the United States has done to Donald Trump has set the standard for the world. We will see […]

History Repeating All Over Again

The 1848 Berlin Revolution QUESTION: You have mentioned that the 1848 Communist Revolution that swept all of Europe was a political contagion. Am I correct in assuming this is what you suggest comes post 2024 going in 2032? Paul The French 1848 Revolution ANSWER: Yes. We all have heard of the 1846 -1852 Great Hunger/Great […]

Hamas Hides Behind Civilians Anyone inciting more violence does not understand that the civilians are trapped. Hamas continually hides behind civilians because they are cowards pretending to be men who attack vulnerable children and women on BOTH sides. The Palestinian Health Ministry confirmed this fact shortly after the group overtook Gaza and portions of the West Bank. The […]

World War III Begins – Israel v Palestine

  Hamas troops penetrated the Iron Dome and descended upon Israel this weekend, murdering and kidnapping civilians. Israel has declared war on Palestine, and US warships are in route to the area. The West supports Israel through and through, but it comes as no coincidence that Biden provided Iran with $6 billion in September. Now […]

SCOTUS: Trump May Run for President in 2024

The establishment has been doing everything in its power to stop Trump. The Supreme Court ruled that Donald Trump may run for the presidency next year. Multiple individual states have attempted to remove him from the future ballot, and in this particular case, John Anthony Castro, a man with no chance of winning the race, […]

Feinstein Died Wealthy – Insider Trading and Lobbying Must End

Dianne Feinstein adhered to Hillary Clinton’s suggestion to die in office to save her seat for another Democrat. Feinstein earned about $200,000 annually as a public servant. And yet, she died a wealthy woman with an extensive real estate portfolio. Lobbyists should be illegal. Their sole purpose is to bribe our elected officials in order […]

About Martin Armstrong

Our founder, Martin Armstrong, began trading in the mid-1960s. He noticed that it did not matter what the investment was; everything would rally in the heat of a buying panic and then crash in the blink of an eye. His history teacher in high school brought in a black & white movie, The Toast of […]

WEC 2023 – The Road to 2032

We are rapidly approaching 2032, where there will be the real Great Reset. We can all now “feel” 2032 coming. Our computer has made forecasts that no human being could have possibly made on such a consistent basis. Sure, someone can luck out and claim to have forecast one thing, but so many consistently is […]