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DAX: A View Into the Heart of Europe

In the DAX Cash, we did elect two Weekly Bearish Reversals from the high of the week of April 6. The next key area of support lies down at the 938000 level. Next week is a Directional Change so we could see a bounce back into the week of July 20. The critical support begin […]

Margaret Thatcher Was the ONLY Head of State Who Saw the Risk of the Euro

Let’s face reality. Margaret Thatcher was a polarizing figure for most in Britain failed to understand what she really was trying to accomplish. Her whole idea of a poll tax was not to benefit the rich; it was to force everyone to pay attention to government as a check and balance. Then there are the false […]

Who Prints Euro Notes?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong Who prints euro notes? Could Greece just flood the market is euro banknotes? Thanks you for your guidance PK REPLY: Legally, both the European Central Bank and the National Central Banks (NCBs) of the Eurozone countries have the right to issue the seven different euro banknotes. In practice, only the NCBs of the zone physically […]

The Euro Crisis Will Not End Until this Line of Thinking Changes

Luis de Guindos, Spain’s economic minister, illustrates that those in European government remain clueless. He said that Greece should remain part of the Eurozone and the euro. He bluntly stated what Mario Draghi said before – the Euro is irreversible. Without the euro, Brussels fails. The idea of federalizing Europe crashes and burns. Luis de Guindos said […]

Greece & Brussels’ Quest to Dominate Europe

QUESTION: Marty, I want to say congratulations. You stood up there in Berlin in 2012 and said the Euro-Swiss peg would break and that Greece would ultimately leave the euro. I can’t wait for this year’s Berlin conference. Wonder if the central bank of _________ will attend again? I suspect that Brussels will not back […]

The Dream of the Euro – Misinformed Politicians

On April 23, 1998, Helmut Kohl addressed the Bundestag concerning the introduction of the euro. In a solemn and statesmanlike manner, the prosperity of the Germans as seen through the success of the Deutschmark, was to be transferred to the euro. Helmut Kohl did not lie to the people. He was truly convinced that a single currency […]

There is No Hope of Stopping the Crisis in Europe

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong; A friend works for a ….. Hedge Fund. He said you could put together a team to save Europe. Would you take up such a challenge? Thank you for telling it the way it is. OD ANSWER: In theory, yes, we could put together a team of people from the real world to […]

You Can Check-In for the Euro but You Can Never Leave

German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble explained on Tuesday that Greece will remain in the euro, no matter how the referendum ends on Sunday. Two years ago, Mario Draghi commented on the continued existence of the euro by saying that the single currency was just irreversible. Angela Merkel delivered a very cold speech stating there are no known proposals […]

Greek Pro-Euro Protesters Are Just out of Their Minds

They interviewed the “YES” protesters (yes, stay in the euro) and the response was totally off the wall. A woman responds that she knows 95% of Greeks will be hurt, but: “It’s only in the European Union that legal democratic processes are guaranteed.” This is the downside of democracy for stupid people who believe propaganda […]

Clarifying the Euro

It appears that a June closing on cash below 11095 in the euro will reflect Grexit. A month-end closing for June below 10520 level will be very bearish short-term. However, keep in mind that the major Bearish Reversal lies down at the 10335 level. Therefore, only a monthly closing BELOW 10335 will CONFIRM the 11500 […]