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Gold & a Future Bull Market

To make it clear, nothing has changed. A bull market is something that rises in terms of all currencies. The paper dollar and gold are ending up on the same side of the fence with this war on cash that is brewing. J.P. Morgan is looking to charge money to people who have cash on […]

Gold v Dollar

The traditional mumbo jumbo is dollar up, gold down. However, we may be entering a completely new phase. Gold and the dollar may no longer be archenemies. They are actually now moving to the same side of the fence, for the common enemy is the rapidly approaching electronic money, with so many analysts at banks […]

Gold Falling out of Favor – Now they Count on Apple Watches?

COMMENT:  Mr Armstrong, The gold world is running out of stories for the public. First it was no gold at Ft. Knox, then manipulation, then a Chinese gold standard, hyperinflation, German repatriation, the Swiss vote and the best but weakest story, now. REPLY: I seriously doubt Apple will save gold. True, the excuses just keep […]

Gold – The Downside

  The Gold “POP” our computer pinpointed was right on schedule. We even managed to get the day of the high. Now gold has fallen to 1146 intraday and this is interesting. Our Daily Bearish Reversals are at 1146 and 1141 followed by 1130. Resistance now stands at the 1208-1215 level.   While we see […]

Gold & a Rally for $40,000 By Year-End? Come on!

COMMENT: Marty, I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for your work. I lost more than half of my savings following the goldbugs. I saw the light and sold on this last rally you called would be a “pop”. You called the low perfectly and then nailed the very day of the high. I can […]

N. Korean Diplomat Caught Smuggling $1.7 Mil in Gold

  A North Korean diplomat was just caught by customs officers in Bangladesh for trying to smuggle almost 60 pounds of gold into the country worth $1.7 million.  He claimed Diplomatic Immunity, but they still confiscated the gold. This is illustrating the entire problem we have today in modern times trying to transport gold as […]

Russia’s Central Bank Biggest Buyer of Gold

  COMMENT: Hello old friend. I really cannot believe how naive these goldbugs are about the real world. Russia’s buying of gold is not a bullish gesture for gold whilst it is merely because the Obama administration is trying to get the Russians to overthrow Putin. Shutting down Russians from commerce only sends them to […]

Gold Made it Cycle Inversion – It is What it Is

QUESTION: I do not know what is the accuracy of your model for the long term. If I’m correct, your model functions “like” the weather forecasting models, every new information is integrated to refine the results. My question is, it is possible that the real move for gold only became possible in 2017? If the value […]

A Question About Gold

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I “think” I am finally beginning to grasp some of what you have been preaching, but first allow me to say “thanks” for everything you do to help some of us understand what is unfolding all around us, and “how” everything is connected, and that nothing happens in isolation, again, “thanks” ! Also, […]

Gold Promoters – Here We Go Again

Trying to argue with a Gold Promoter is trying to argue with a Democrat that they should be a Republican. It will never happen because it is their life and how they make money. If we look at the commodity sector as a whole, in 1919 Wheat was 356. It reached in 2008 13500. That […]