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IMPEACHMENT – Big Risk for Democrats

The House vote on impeaching Trump may be the stake through the heart of the Democratic Party. Most of the people newly elected were extremely left and they remain vulnerable when they barely made it to Congress, like AOC whose approval rating is just 31%. This will be a test for the moderates v the […]

Pharmaceutical Companies & Buying Immunity

Most people are unaware of the EXTREME DANGER posed by the Pharmaceutical Industry and their effort to force vaccines on the entire population by law and at the same time to exempt themselves from any liability. In 1987, Democrat William Herbert Gray sponsored H.R.3545 – Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987. Stuffed in this act […]

Trump Impeachment – Here we go!

Trump is just the fourth president in the history of the United States to have articles of impeachment get this far. Of course, this is really just politics as evident by the party-line vote. With Nixon, there were votes on the issue that did not follow the party-line. This will be remembered as perhaps the […]

Replacing Judges with AI

The corruption in the Rule of Law is the #1 cause of the decline and fall of nations. One major step would be to replace judges with AI. Lawyers already use AI to research legal positions that junior staff once did. It is only a matter of time before courts can be replaced with AI, […]

Google Manipulating the News?

There were allegations raised that Google was manipulating the news to help Hillary. They allegedly steered 2.6 million votes to Hillary and had far more of an impact upon the 2016 election than Russians. A whistleblower at Google has come out and warned that things are getting worse. Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies came out and […]

Market Talk – November 8, 2019

ASIA: The Chinese Community Party has responded to US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s attack that claimed China is too focused on international domination and needs to be confronted. The CCP stated that his comments were extremely dangerous and exposed his sinister intentions. “Pompeo is splitting apart and setting in antagonism against each other the Chinese […]

The Whistle-Blower’s Lawyer Called for a Coup back in 2017 Against Trump – That’s Impartial?

The attorney for the claimed whistleblower against President Donald Trump that the Democrats are desperate to try to hide his identity, Mark Zaid, defended his tweets calling for a “coup” against President Trump. Zaid claims to be nonpartisan but he is obviously not when he calls for a coup against the president of the United […]

Trump – Person v President

QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong, Donald Trump is the president of the world’s largest economy. Is it the world changing when China become the world’s largest economy? With being categorical like analytic person, defensive like a relationship person and impulsive like a social person president Trump is not the normal creative US person liking to rule the […]

Is Trump Just a Product of the Times?

QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong, Donald Trump is the president of the world’s largest economy. Is it the world changing when China become the world’s largest economy? With being categorical like analytic person, defensive like a relationship person and impulsive like a social person president Trump is not the normal creative US person liking to rule the […]

Are the Democrats Doomed in 2020?

The latest ruckus behind the curtain is that the whispers are turning into screams. The big donors to the Democratic Party have almost unanimously put the Democratic Party on notice that they will sit this one out or even donate to Trump if the party nominates either Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders. Based on very […]