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Monetary History of Egypt Before coins started to circulate in ancient Egypt after its conquest by Alexander the Great in 334 BC, there was perhaps the first monetary system in the world where a form of paper money emerged. There was a unit of account based on weights of gold, silver and copper whereby they […]

Sardes (Birthplace of Coinage)

Monetary History of Sardes Coming Soon  Monetary System Denominations EL Stater(Electrum natural alloy of gold+silver) AU Stater Monetary History of the World © Martin A. Armstrong


Monetary History of Sicily Syracuse Part I Syracuse was founded on the western coast of Sicily by Corinthian colonists around 733 BC. From an early date, Syracuse grew in wealth and dominance on the island of Sicily. Syracuse was and ideal location for trade and its fertile lands allowed the Greek culture to flurish. The […]


Monetary History of Sicily Akragas Akragas, modern day Agrigento (to the Romans Agrigentum), according to legend, was founded by Daedalus and grew to become a wealthy and powerful state on the southern coast of Sicily. These colonists from Gela became very prosperous and the city was famous for its lavish lifestyle. Part of the great […]

Alexander III The Great – 339-323 BC

Monetary History of Macedonia Alexander III The Great (339-323 BC) Alexander was born to the Olympias and Philip II. According to legend, Alexander was born on the same day as the Temple to Artemis at Ephesus (one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.) was burned down. No one knows for certain, but it […]

Philip II – 382-336 BC

Monetary History of Macedonia Philip II (382-336 BC) Philip II of Macedonia (382-336 BC) was king of Macedonia between 359 and 336 BC. and father of Alexander the Great. Philip was born in the city of Pella, which was the capital of ancient Macedonia. Philip II was held as a hostage by the rival Greek […]

Macedonia Monetary History

The Monetary History of Macedonia Macedonia is located in the extreme northern regions of Greece between Thrace and Thessaly. The coastal regions of Macedonia and Thrace appear to have been colonized between the Eighth and Seventh centuries. The interior of these regions was occupied by indigenous tribes who gradually became influenced by the Greek culture. […]

Ptolemy IX – 116-106/88-80 BC

Monetary History of Egypt Ptolemaic Dynasty Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) 116-107 & 88-80 BC Son of Ptolemy VIII & Cleopatra III Brother of Ptolemy X Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) was born in 141 BC the son of Ptolemy VIII and Cleopatra III. Following his father’s death in 116 BC, the throne of Egypt passed to Cleopatra […]

Ptolemy VIII – 145-116 BC

Monetary History of Egypt Ptolemaic Dynasty Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II (Physcon=”pot belly”) 170-163 BC & 145-116BC Brother of Ptolemy VI – Uncle Ptolemy VII Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II (Physcon=”pot belly”) was the eighth ruler of the Ptolemaic Dynasty. He was the younger brother of Ptolemy VI and the uncle to Ptolemy VII. He was born the son of Ptolemy […]


Monetary History of Egypt Origins The monetary history of Egypt appears to be one based upon agriculture. Egyptian sources indicate that a vibrant banking industry emerged whereby the state provided warehouses in which farmers deposited their grain. In turn, the farmer would receive a “deposit receipt” reflecting how much wealth was held by the bank […]