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Verina – Wife

Aelia Verina Wife of Leo I Mother-in-law of Zeno Aelia Verina was a woman of untold ambition. Verina was the wife of Emperor Leo I and the mother-in-law of Emperor Zeno. After the death of her husband in 474 AD, Verina continued to take a leading role in the political life of her time during […]

Petronius Maximus – 455 AD

Petronius Maximus March-May 455 AD Emperor in the West Flavius Anicius Petronius Maximus became one of the most prominent Senators in Rome under the reign of Honorius. Petronius was of noble birth coming from one of the great senatorial families in Rome – the Anicii. Petronius was a very ambitious man and he made his […]

Marcian – 450-457 AD

Marcian 450-457 AD Emperor in the East Marcian was an accomplished soldier of humble origin who fought against the Persians. His father was also a soldier from the Balkans. Marcian became a widely respected tribune under Theodosius II. There are two versions of his eventual rise to the throne. One version claims that Theodosius had […]

Honoria – Sister

Honoria   Sister of Valentinian III Born 417 AD – Died 454 AD Justa Grata Honoria was the daughter of Constantius III and Galla Placidia, which made her the granddaughter of Theodosius I. Honoria was given the rank of Augusta by her brother Valentinian III in the Western Roman Empire. Honoria gained a reputation with […]

Licinia Eudoxia – Wife

Licinia Eudoxia Wife of Valentinian III Daughter of Theodosius II Mother-in-law Emperor Olybrius Licinia Eudoxia was the daughter of the Eastern Emperor Theodosius II born in 422 AD. Licinia married Valentinian III in 437 AD when she was only fifteen years old. She bore him two daughters, one of whom, Placidia, was later the wife of the Western Emperor Olybrius. […]

Johannes – 423-425 AD

Johannes 423-425 AD Emperor in the West Johannes, who was born about 380 AD, rose through the ranks of the civil service until he was eventually appointed principal secretary to the Western Emperor Honorius. The latter died childless on August 25th, 423 AD whereupon Johannes seized the vacant throne and sent an embassy to Theodosius […]

Constantius III – 421 AD

Constantius III 421 AD Emperor of West Husband Galla Placidia Step-brother-in-law of Arcadius & Honorius Flavius Constantius III was an outstanding soldier of humble origin. He rose through the ranks to become a leading general who fought with great success against the barbarian kings who had plagued the Western half of the Roman Empire during […]

Arcadius – 383-408 AD

Arcadius 383-408 AD Flavius Arcadius is the eldest son of Theodosius I (379-395 AD) and Aelia Flaccilla. He was born in 377 AD and was raised to the rank of Augustus by his father in 383 AD. His first true encounter with power came when his father marched against Arbogastes in 394 AD. Theodosius died […]

Theodosius I – 379-395 AD

Theodosius I the Great 379 – 395 AD Emperor of the East Flavius Theodosius was the son of the famous general Count Theodosius. Theodosius served as Governor of Moesia Prima and was a very successful field general defeating the Sarmatians along the Danube. However, his career appeared to be at an end when his famous father […]

Valentinian I – 364-375 AD

Valentinian I 364 – 375 AD Emperor of the West Flavius Valentinianus was born in Pannonia in about 321 AD. Valentinian was the son of Gratianus the Elder. His father was a man of humble origin. Nevertheless, he rose through the ranks of the military to become a great general. Valentinian traveled with his father to […]