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Supreme Court Rules on Trump’s Immunity

Trump Immunity Decision The Supreme Court’s decision on Trump’s immunity is out today. The Supreme Court ruled 6–3 that presidents enjoy immunity from criminal prosecution for official, but not unofficial, acts. They also noted that even comments that he thought the election was rigged as so many other people, “So most of a President’s public […]

Brussels has More Power Than Rome – Italy Balks at Climate Change Agenda

Italy’s new PM, Giorgia Meloni, is learning that she cannot pick and choose what policies Italy would like to adopt from the ruling authority in the European Union. I was willing to give Meloni the benefit of the doubt after she rose to power from virtually nowhere as a perceived anti-establishment, right-winged nationalist candidate who […]

Half of EV Owners Experience Buyers’ Remose

Consumers have been reluctant to make the switch to Electric Vehicles, and nearly half who have experienced buyer’s remorse. A new study by McKinsey & Co.’s Mobility Consumer Pulse polled 37,000 EV owners globally, 46% of whom said they are “very likely” to switch back to the combustion engine when purchasing their next vehicle. One […]

Supreme Court Overturns Chevron Doctrine – Reining in the Deep State

The Supreme Court has overturned the Chevron deference in a 6-3 vote in a major push toward eliminating government overreach. The 1984 Chevron U.S.A. v. Natural Resources Defense Council has permitted government agencies to implement the rule of law, bypassing the federal judicial system. Individuals and Corporations have been at the mercy of agencies like […]

Political Forecasts – Macron in Trouble

Our computer’s political forecasts do not rely on polls. What is most interesting is that when you correlate the economy with politics, you get to see the major swings coming like never before. As I have said, our model has been showing that the 2024 election in the USA should be won by Trump. The […]

Putin & the May 7th Turning Point

COMMENT: Living in Eastern Europe, I can see how your May 7th target marked Putin’s change in attitude. Before May 7th, it was others who brought up nuclear war. May 7th saw Putin yield to his critics, and ever since, he has been directly warning the world about nuclear war. I think your model pinpointed […]

Project 2025: The Breakdown

Over the past few weeks, as we head into the presidential election, Project 2025 has come up in more and more conversations. “If we vote for Trump, that means we are supporting Project 2025. If we vote Biden, we are in support of going to war and innocent lives being taken.” It has been non-stop […]

The British Elections – Can Farage Create a new Party?

  Naturally, The British Economist Magazine endorses Labour as they always do. So, it’s nothing of a surprise there. The polls on BREXIT were all wrong in the UK, for the polling appears to be more of a tool to force people to vote for their anointed politician. Britain’s prime minister, Rishi Sunak, surprised many […]

New Indictment for Trump Coming?

Smith and Garland are trying to indict Trump on Drug Charges, alleging he drugged Biden to win the Debate. They are desperately trying to find a statue they can twist to fit the crime.

Biden for Resident