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Useless Bureaucracy Example – Golden Gate Bridge Nets

Government mismanagement comes at a high cost. We saw Argentina’s new president slash half of the useless federal administrations this week on his first day in office.  Governments are incompetent to run even a gumball machine. These agencies come into the fold, create useless regulations, dish out contracts to their connections, and nothing gets done. […]

When Government Does Not Understand Something – Regulate It Until They Kill It

The golden rule of government is that whenever something new emerges – regulate it even when you do not understand what you are doing. While the details are not yet set, the EU wants to be the first to regulate AI. This new legislation requires foundation models such as ChatGPT and general-purpose AI systems (GPAI) […]

Chuck Schummer is a Threat to the World

The Republicans have blocked funding for Ukraine, demanding restraints on the unrelenting onslaught of illegal aliens. Chuck Schumer has put out the propaganda that will risk everything the world has worked for since World War II. The Democrats are on board with the Neocons. The only way they can continue this insane agenda as we […]

Should Argentina Peg its Currency to the Dollar?

QUESTION: What about Argentina willing to peg pesos to USD? THANKS for all you are doing for us! ALL THE BEST TO YOU AND FAMILY TD ANSWER: First and foremost, what collapsed Bretton Woods and the gold standard was persistent deficit spending. They fixed the price of gold to $35 but then spent recklessly every […]

Comments from New Zealand

COMMENT #1: Hi, with regards to your recent post about the arrested healthcare worker in New Zealand. he brought to light that certain batches of the vaccine were extremely dangerous. Compared to others. He has all the data about the batches and who gave certain vaccines. Raising to light that certain individuals saw 20% of […]

New Zealand Arrests Their Version of Snowdon who Exposed Deaths by Vaccine

The number one reason I refused to get vaccinated was the fact that once the government got involved, there would NEVER be (1) any recourse but (2) no accountability.  I have worked with governments for over 40 years. NO government will EVER admit a mistake. Thus, once the government evolved, BEWARE! Every politician who accepted […]

US Real Estate Prices Rose in September

The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Index reported a 3.9% year-over-year increase in home prices in September, despite a surge in mortgage rates. The growth coincided with the 30-year fixed mortgage rate’s climb toward 8%. Notably, rents are easing while home prices continue to rise. The report highlighted that of the 20 metropolitan markets, Detroit saw the […]

Alex Jones and the Largest Defamation Case in US History

Alex Jones’ comments on Sandy Hook were merely the pathway for the government to target Jones after a career of questioning the establishment. Alex Jones found himself in the largest defamation case in American history for questioning the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Connecticut. The InfoWars host was coerced into paying the families […]

Irish Patriotism is “Far-Right Extremism” – European Race Riots

The Irish are no strangers to battling those occupying their lands. This time, the European Union and Irish government permitted a mass influx of migrants into the country. Then Ireland granted those migrants the right to vote in elections. Increased foreign nationals, misaligned traditions and morals, followed by the deaths of numerous citizens has led […]

The Business Cycle & National Debt

The US national debt has exceeded $33 trillion and counting. For decades, people have predicted that the dollar will crumble to dust and gold will rise to the moon. They have applied to the Austrian School of Economics to no avail. Then you have the opposite side pushed by economists like Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul […]