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Trump Post-Election

Trumps’ campaign manager most people do not realize was a WOMAN. Kellyanne Conway is the first female campaign manager to win the Presidency for her candidate. She did a wonderful job with Trump’s strategy. She appeared on many hostile media shows and charmed them. And she made history with Trump’s victory. So much for Trump hating women, […]

Trump Protests Reveal Their Own Hatred

The degree of how morally debased many of those who have been supporting Hillary is being exposed just how anti-democratic these people are boarding on a virtual communist-like revolution. They have had the audacity to submit a petition to tell the electors not to vote for Trump on December 19th and still give it to Hillary saying […]

Trump’s Victory Speech – I will Not Let You Down


Polls at 12:45 EST & Trump is Cleaning House

We may have Trump as President within one Hour. The huge turnout was the key. The “deplorables” came out in force to take their country back. As long as the victory is overwhelming, it may be difficult to play this one. However, they can still try to claim this is a fraud organized by Putin. […]

The Dollar with a Trump Victory

The dollar should make a reaction to the downside with a Trump victory, which is totally illogical. We need a weekly closing ABOVE 11284 to signal some follow-through up to 11460 area. However, if Euro closes below 11197, then it’s all over and we will see the dollar rise, not fall. There does not appear […]

Dow Jones With A Trump Victory

Our computer projected a reaction rather than a change in trend. In the Dow Jones Industrial cash Index, the major support lies down at 17330 area. The technical support lies at 17283 for next week as well. Many will expect the reaction to a Trump victory to be the same as BREXIT. Our computer is […]

Trump Still Ahead at 11:45PM EST

At 11PM Eastern Time – Trump is Still Ahead

Trump Ahead in Florida 59% to Hillary 30%

I am in Florida and I have to say I have NEVER seen one sign out there for Hillary nor anyone on the side of the road pitching for Hillary. This is clearly Trump territory. More than 50% of voters voted early. The turnout will most likely be a record. There is often a correlation […]

Putin Campaigns for Trump

As Election Day nears, the Trump campaign has enlisted President Vladimir Putin, of Russia, to appear with the Republican nominee on stage. This has been really amazing for it drives a nail straight into the heart of this nonsense that Trump would be the one to start war, not Hillary. Indeed, it is Qatar and […]