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Changing Cycle Frequencies Produces Different Effects

QUESTION: Marty, I’m glad that you’ve showed a couple of examples in the past few articles, as per how you apply ECM and volatility cycle waves to events. Yet, can you please explain the methodology and criteria which you use in deciding how to apply them? What is the criteria with which you choose the starting […]

The Confidence Game – The Next Crisis

QUESTION: Martin, I started following your models shortly after college in 2000 when I entered the financial advisor world. I soon realized how clueless this industry was and formed a hedge fund in Tampa in March 2007 to short retail and housing, largely based on your models & my understanding of cycles. I reached the top […]

2017 The Cycle of War

QUESTION: Hi Marty. You mentioned the 224-year cycle is the cycle of political change. It seems it is the peak in confidence of government and all cycles align harmonically. From 1980 and 1999 was the gold bear market, lasting 19 years. Is there any relationship between 224-year cycle and the 19 year cycle? A ANSWER: Yes. […]

The Cycle of Music

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, isn’t music also cycles with the same structure that repeats? ANSWER: Absolutely. Cycle has specific meanings in the field of music. Of course, acoustically, it refers to one complete vibration, the base unit of Hertz being one cycle per second. Then you have a cycle interval which is a collection of pitch classes […]

Floating Cities – Can They Escape Taxes & Crime

Floating cities in the sea are getting closer to reality at the Seasteading Institute. Futurists are already thinking about the founding of cities on the high seas. While the original argument was all about when population growth would make land so scarce we would have to move to the oceans, they never counted on cycles. The population […]

Government Is Not Reason, It Is Not Eloquence — It Is Force

COMMENT: Mr., Armstrong, your solution video is splendid. What you say about government only interested in a crisis and not preventing anything makes perfect sense. I believe it was George Washington who said: “Government Is Not Reason, It Is Not Eloquence — It Is Force” Thank you for standing your ground. FH ANSWER: I do […]

Fed & Interest Rates

James Bullard, president of the St. Louis Fed, in a March 3, 2017 interview with the Wall Street Journal, “The recent data aren’t that different from what they were at the time of the January meeting and we didn’t really use the January meeting to set up a March rate hike.” He also offered an important response to […]

Has Hollywood Shot itself in the Head?

The Oscars has plummeted in viewership. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ was criticized last year for failing to nominate any minority actors for the second consecutive year. The whole thing has become political and Hollywood has assumed its importance is far more than what its industry simply was – entertainment. This year, […]

Judicial Tyranny & Why We Need Strict Construction

COMMENT:  The Insanity of the EU Bureaucrats and the European Court of Justice (ECJ – The Vnuk Case Summary: In August 2007 Slovenian Damijan Vnuk working on a farm was injured when the farmer who was parking his tractor and trailer in a barn accidentally reversed into the ladder Vnuk was up on. Vnuk sued for […]

The Total Lack of Common Sense

QUESTION: Martin – Given your compelling elucidation of the business cycle (which remains ineluctable even with central bank and regulatory distortion of money and markets), the avg annual return targets set by pension and retirement plans seems absurd. CalPERS had an annual bogey of 8% to meet via its active management. Even in a rapidly-growing economy […]