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Private Blog Update August 24th, 2016 – Gold & Dow

Private Blog Update August 24, 2016

Dow Summary for the Close of the Week

The bulk of the people remain bearish yet always call for a major crash. All I can say is that the patterns are not anything like what these people as saying that a 9-day straight decline is always followed by a crash. The market is by no means over bought or in some dangerous extended […]

Is the Dow Ready to Crash?

  QUESTION: Marty; Some people are calling for a 1987 crash now because the Dow has declined for 9 days and that is a prelude to a crash. Is there any validity to this pattern? ANSWER: No. The technical support clearly lies at the 18110-18120 level. This should be a normal retest of that support. […]

Private Blog Updates in Down & Gold for Month-end

Private Blog Updates for the Dow & Gold for month-end closings

Dow Prospects for the Breakout

QUESTION: Marty; You said we could see new highs form in 2016 for the Dow, but the breakout is more likely in 2017. Has that changed? BD ANSWER: We will be updating the share markets shortly. No, that has not changed yet. We did not elect the Quarter Bullish Reversal at the end of June. […]

French Mayor Will Now Tear Down The Refugee Camp known as the “Jungle”

It has begun. The French port town of Calais will soon tear down the refugee camp known as the “Jungle,” says town’s mayor. He wants all migrants to be sent to Britain and out of his town. This is a radical step to expel the 6,000 asylum seekers currently living there who want to go to Britain. Since […]

Rating Agencies Downgrade 24 Counties

The three main credit rating agencies have been downgrading government debt at an alarming rate, which confirms our computer models, albeit a tad late. The first half of 2016 has seen more sovereign downgrades since the crash of 2009. The first six months of this year saw Moody’s downgrade 24 governments, Standard & Poor’s 16 governments, […]

The Dow for the Close of Second Quarter 2016

Here is our original technical projection from the 1987 low that we made while looking forward into the end of this private wave (51.6-year) target of 2032. Looking where we are right now, that is the top two price numbers showing 853315 on the bottom and 2264160 on the top. This remains our next primary […]

Gold – Dollar – Dow – One Happy Family?

QUESTION: Marty; You always said that gold would rise with the dollar when the time was right. It is interesting to watch this unfold with the crisis in Europe. Is the time at last right? Thanks BD ANSWER: The unraveling of Europe has begun, but the crazy period still lies ahead. We have the French […]

The Dow Held the Reversal 17120

A number of emails are coming in about how, even in a panic, the Reversal system held. The Dow crashed only within a two-day reaction. It elected the first minor Daily Bearish at 17434 on Friday. We saw the Dow fall to 17063 intraday and close at 17140.24 while holding the 17120 level. We warned […]