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What Klaus Schwab’s World Really Looks Like

  The destruction of small businesses is just insane. I would expect this if we were faced with a real disease with 20% of the population dying. The death rate of this COVID-19 is really no worse than the flu. Politicians cannot be this stupid. The destruction of small business is NOT going to magically […]

Klaus Schwab is Planned on Taking your 401K

COMMENT: Hey Martin … Americans for the most part think everything forthcoming “sounds” good, and essentially stay blind to all the gory details of The Great Reset. I try to explain it to a few people and it’s difficult to get a worried response UNTIL I say THEY WILL CONFISCATE YOUR 401K !!   That does it, […]

Boston University Starts COVID-19 Pass Requirements

Boston University has started the requirement of a digital badge indicating they’re up to date with COVID-19 testing and symptom screening. Unfortunately, we are going to see this expand to become a requirement to travel. This is all part of a plan to used COVID-19 to prevent civil uprisings as they roll out their plan […]

Half of Europe’s Small Businesses Fear They Cannot Survive

Business confidence in Europe is in crash mode. Over half of Europe’s small firms fear for survival, survey finds. They seem to be correct. This Great Reset is designed to crush the economy and rebuilding it if “green” from the bottom. They label anything that dares to say the obvious as a “conspiracy theory” so […]

Fauci – Truth – Coming Tyranny

There is a lot of disinformation running around concerning COVID-19. There is a virus, that is for sure. It was not a biological weapon, for the kill ratio is way too tiny. Was it created by research that Dr. Anthony Fauci was conducting, then forced to shut down and covertly sent it off to Wuhan […]

NY Post Confirms Biden’s Corruption

It has been confirmed by the New York Post that Joe Biden was an “eager participant in a family scheme to make millions of dollars by partnering with a shady Chinese Communist firm” no different than Hillary and her schemes. Unfortunately, I spoke to someone who is a Biden supporter yesterday just to try to […]

Your Comments & Questions

COMMENT #1: Marty, One gets the sense we are closer to a dictatorship than most think. Twitter, Google, Facebook, and others now appear to be working in overdrive to block content, prevent free speech, report only what suits them, in an effort to sway voters and build momentum for a Biden win. Surely, anyone with a […]

Coming Famine?

QUESTION: I just want to be prepared. How long is the famine supposed to happen? 1-2 years? More? SD ANSWER: These lockdowns have already set in motion a reduction in the food supply. In the United States, there were temporary shortages of certain foods. You can see plenty of videos where farms lost 100% of […]

Your Questions

QUESTION #1: If China is held liable for the virus damage then why could we not void all the bonds they hold as a payment for their damage to our economy? That would free up some debt and be a stimulus as well it would seem to me. The CCP is working every day to […]

Social Media Trying to Destroy our Freedom

I was preparing to add a chapter on what is becoming the Greatest Political Manipulation in world history to the Manipulating the World Economy, which would be about the US 2020 election and the COVID-19 world lockdown to further the Great Reset. Now even Amazon is reserving its right to ban any book that is […]