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Trump’s Polls Not Affected by Impeachment

What is really driving the Democrats crazy is that they still refuse to comprehend why Trump was elected to begin with. He was an anti-career politician. Even the Republicans did not get it. This impeachment nonsense would stick ONLY if the people actually believed that Biden and Hillary were honest and Trump was wrong. But […]

Trump & Nepotism?

QUESTION: Hi Martin, In your “Nepotism & Politics = Corruption” post you focus on the Dems. What’s your take on the Ivanka, Jared, Don Jr. nepotism seen in the current admin? Best, James ANSWER: That is not Nepotism whereby they are working directly to advise a family member. Ivanka Trump and husband Jared Kushner are […]

Nepotism & Politics = Corruption

QUESTION: Didn’t Hillary get her brother a mining contract after giving relief to Haiti? FG ANSWER: Yes. This is what I mean. In the real world we live in, you go to prison for a long time if you do a deal in the private sector where a family member receives some benefit. Hillary’s brother, […]

The Impeachment of Trump – Here We Go Again

QUESTION: I really do not understand how this is an impeachable offense to ask Ukraine if there was any wrong doing on the part of Biden? UD ANSWER: It is not. They are twisting this by claiming Trump was seeking help from a foreign country to interfere in the 2020 election. It is the same […]

Deep State & the Latest Ukrainian Scandal

QUESTION: Do you think this latest Ukraine scandal is another attempt by the Deep State to get rid of Trump? SK ANSWER: Yes, I do. This whistleblower did NOT have direct knowledge. His report was wrong but that does not seem to matter even though it was not something he even had personal knowledge of. […]

SEC Routinely Prosecutes Family Favors in Business Dealings

  A treaty was signed between Ukraine and the USA which plainly states that Ukraine will assist in any investigation that may lead to criminal activity. There certainly is nothing that is impeachable to ask Ukraine to investigate Biden, which has long been considered a very strange conflict of interest. In the real world, company […]

Playing with the Facts to Fool the Majority

QUESTION: What do you say about the difference between corporate socialism and democratic socialism. Thank you. Its all the buzz among those supporting Senator Elizabeth Warren. LP ANSWER: This is a very clever way of excusing the core issue. The Democrats preach raising taxes and then sell loopholes to the big corporations. The bankers donated […]

Politicians Love a Crisis

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for your blog. It has taken the veil off my eyes. As I understand, not only is the hypothesis that mankind can alter the Earth’s climate nonsense, it is also detrimental to the world’s economy. It misplaces important resources, and anti-CO2 regulations hinder growth and the betterment of mankind. […]

Can Anyone Really Influence Elections?

QUESTION: Hey Marty, If the Labour (UK) and far-left Democrats (YUSA) can use fake news and outrageous lies to manipulate the outcome of elections, destroy the capital formation in Britain, why can’t the Tory and the conservatives in both the UK and USA fight fire with fire and do the same to them? SSP ANSWER: […]

Advice for Trump – How to Win 2020

The New York Post reported that an American student who could not find a job with their degree was forced to simply leave the country. If I were Trump, I would run on forgiving student loans at least partially and lay the blame where it all belongs – on the Clintons and their deal with […]