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Nyenrode University

Yesterday, I spoke by invitation at the prestigious Dutch Nyenrode Business University, situated on a 13th century estate with its own genuine castle, moat, and drawbridges. This is the only university of its kind with such a unique atmosphere and remains the only private university in the Netherlands, which explains the invitation. The questions were interesting, to say […]

Why Europe Will Lead the Charge to Eliminate Cash – the Next Step in a Global Meltdown

Europe will lead the world into Economic Totalitarianism because government is now desperate to retain the euro. If the euro collapses, so will Brussels. The government exists solely because of the euro. The key is the fatal design of the euro. Failure to consolidate the debts of all individual member states has been the worst possible […]

The Collapse of Socialism – It’s Our Turn up to Bat

The entire idea of Marxism is coming to a real crash and burn. China and Russia experienced that collapse in 1989.95 with the turn in the Economic Confidence Model. The events began with the crackdown that initiated on June 3-4, 1989, which became known as the Tiananmen Square Massacre.  The fall of communism began when military troops with […]

So What Can We Do?

This Sovereign Debt Crisis is the nature of the beast we face. Understanding that crisis is half the battle, for after the business cycle turns, there will be a lot of finger pointing, but you can bet it will never be pointing at government. The country does not matter, as the people are the same. […]

The New Age of Economic Totalitarianism & the London Meeting to End Currency

I have been warning that the governments of the West are in severe trouble. We face the worst economic crisis, perhaps in modern history, with the distinct risk of moving into a state of Economic Totalitarianism. The governments are well aware of the Economic Confidence Model (ECM). Many people have questioned, “Why have they not killed you?” […]

IMF Reports Warn of Financial Instability – Low Interest Rates Will Be Our Doom

While people argue over fractal banking and derivatives, the dark clouds on the horizon are approaching from an entirely different direction. A virtual secret meeting took place in Washington with the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and World Bank present over the weekend. The mainstream media reported that they only spoke about Greece, but behind the […]

Political Analysis

Political Forecasting Political forecasting is critical to the overall economic modeling. Our model is the only thing that correctly forecast both BREXIT and that Trump would win. Revolutions, coups, and political unrest disturb the trends in assets and currencies not to mention introduction political risk for capital investment. Attempting to introduce poll results into political […]

Switzerland Joins NSA in Monitoring its Citizens

The Swiss have now introduced the Enlightenment Intelligence Agencies Act which expands the powers of government to secretly track citizens, tap phones, and to do so even if the person is not actually charged with or suspected of a crime. One by one, every country seems to be turning to Stalinist type tactics and are […]

Why Japan is Not Greece or EU For that Matter

QUESTION: Hello Martin There are a few writers who speculate the the yen will be the first currency to fall (because Japan has been tied into QE and flat interest rates for decades already, and their manufacturing is suffering).  How do you think the currency situation will play out for Japan?   thank you   best […]

US v Europe Divergence

  A lot of questions have come in regarding this subject. Keep in mind that we have two aspects converging (1) Cycle of War targeting 2017, and (2) the Sovereign Debt Crisis. The first has also the Civil Unrest v International Conflict. This divergence need not simply be just international war, although Obama seems so […]