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Davos 2023 – the A Threat to the Entire World?

  QUESTION: Marty, I think Schwab’s great reset is all about your 2032. He seems to be a Socrates subscriber and is just trying to manipulate the outcome in his direction. What do you think? Joe ANSWER: I know, Many people have noticed this trend. This is coming up more and more. Back in 1983/1984, […]

Cleopatra’s Proxy War Using Mark Antony

COMMENT: Martin, Just a quick note to thank you for sharing your excellent knowledge on world and ancient coins. Your two recent blogs on “Hoards in History” and “18th Century Copper Riots and Private Money”, were insightful. While I appreciate your daily blog on world affairs and the economy in general, I find I am […]

Market Talk – January 10, 2023

ASIA:   China suspended issuing short-term visas in South Korea and Japan on Tuesday, after announcing it would retaliate against countries that required negative COVID-19 tests from Chinese travelers. In the first retaliatory move, the Chinese embassy in South Korea suspended issuing short-term visas for South Korean visitors. It would adjust the policy subject to […]

Zelensky’s Holy War – Seizing Russian Churches

COMMENT: Marty, I just read that Ukraine seized control of a Russian Orthodox Church that has been there for a century. You were correct. Zelensky has also made this a holy war. The Ukrainian people should rise up against this guy. He is killing them all for hatred. SH REPLY. I have had staff on […]

Twice as Many Civilians Always Die v Military

War is never a ONE-SIDED affair. People get frustrated and will often seek revenge personally on both sides of any conflict. These people who point to Russians as killing civilians and vice versa should understand one thing. EVERY war results in MORE civilian casualties than military. I do not know what planet these people are […]

Belarus Drafts Every Male 18 to 60 for the Inevitable War

    Belarus has issued a Draft for all men 18 to 60 years old. This war that our leaders are determined to create is going to be beyond anything previously contemplated. Even the US will most likely adopt a draft and it will be highly probable that it will be to at least to […]

The Christmas/New Year’s Wars

Many emails have come in asking if the January target is going to be geopolitical. Holidays are a favorite time to launch attacks. Remember the Yom Kippur War, also known as the Ramadan War? Of course, during Vietnam, President Richard Nixon ordered major bombings to begin on Dec. 18 when North Vietnamese walked out on peace […]

Treason from The Deep State?

  I have received a lot of emails asking why just five days after the New York Post revealed the Hunter Biden laptop story that went all the way to the top involving his father, now President Biden, the former CIA Director John Brennan, and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper announced on October […]

Party Politics

COMMENT: Thoughts regarding your “Trump and 2024” comments. I’ve been following your blog for well over 10 years and signed up on your basic Socrates program months ago. I’m 67 and voted Democrat most of my life until 2016. I voted for Trump. No way I was voting for Hillary Clinton and considering the political […]

Will Putin Step Down in 2023?

We have a very serious problem. Former Chancellor Merkel has openly stated that there was NEVER any intention to carry out the Minsk Agreement and that not only condemned the people of the Donbas to war, loss of their religion, and the tyranny of Kiev, but they were using them for bait to deliberately force […]