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Constantine I – 309-337 AD

Constantine I The Great 307 – 337AD Flavius Valerius Constantinus was the son of Constantius I Chlorus by his first marriage with Helena, known to Christians as St Helena. Constantine was born at Naissus in Upper Moesia on February 27th. The year is not quite certain, however, it was either 280 – 282 or 272 – 273 AD. As […]

Constantius I – 305-306 AD

Constantius I Chlorus 305 – 306 AD As Caesar, 293 – 305 AD Flavius Valerius Constantius I Chlorus was most likely born in the Danube region. Constantius fell in love with an innkeeper’s daughter named Helena in Naissus, located in Upper Dacia. This is the location of the birth of their first son, who would later become known […]

Allectus – 293-296 AD

Allectus Usurper in Britain 293-296AD Allectus was the chief finance minister (rationalis) to Carausius. Allectus was a very ambitious man. In 293 AD, he was the principal instigator in a plot that ended with the assassination of Carausius. Allectus was said to have been an excellent sailor and soldier. His domain included Britain and parts of Gaul. For […]

Carausius – 287-293 AD

Carausius Usurper of Britain 287 – 293 AD Marcus Aurelius Mausaeus Carausius was a man of humble origin who came from Menapia, an area in Belgium. Nevertheless, he rose through the ranks due to a distinguished career. Carausius gained much fame for his military skills during in the campaigns under Emperor Maximianus (286-305AD) against the Franks and the […]

Diocletian – 284-305 AD

Diocletian 284 – 305 AD Died 316 AD Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus was born to a poor family in Dalmatia (ILLYRICUM) during the mid-3rd century AD. Diocletian entered military service, where he displayed a talent for leadership, prompting his career to advance. By 284 AD, Diocletian became a member of the legions under Emperor Carus and continued to […]

Gaius Julius Saturninus – 280 AD

Gaius Julius Saturninus 280 AD Gaius Julius Saturninus was a senior officer under Probus in Syria. According to Historiae Augusta, Saturninus led a short-lived revolt, which began with his proclamation as Augustus by the troops under his command in Alexandria Egypt. At first, we are told that Saturninus declined the honor. However, later in about 280AD, […]

Probus 276-282 AD

Probus 276-282 AD (M. Aurelius Probus). Born at Sirmium in 232 AD, Probus adopted the profession of arms and gained rapid promotion until, by the reign of Aurelian, he had become one of the leading generals of the Empire. Soon after the death of Tacitus, he was proclaimed emperor by his troops, and following the […]

Tacitus – 275-276 AD

Tacitus 275-276 AD There is little reliable information about Marcus Claudius Tacitus. It does appear that after the murder of Aurelian, the soldiers of the Illyrian army, wishing to dissociate themselves from the assassins, sent a request to Rome that the Senate should nominate the new ruler and pledged themselves to support their choice. After […]

Aurelian – 270-275 AD

Lucius Domitius Aurelianus was born to humble parents at Sirmium sometime between 207 and 215 AD, most likely on September 9th, 214 AD. Aurelian adopted a military career, and by his skill, courage, and bodily strength, he ultimately became one of the Empire’s greatest generals of the 3rd century. Aurelian’s reputation as a cavalry commander was perhaps […]

Domitianus – 268 AD

Domitianus Gallic Usurper circa 268 AD Gaius Domitianus was a usurper known from several sources. He is said to have been the victor over the Emperor Macrianus. However, it has also been suggested that Macrianus was defeated by Aureolus, the rebel general of the siege of Milan (see Gallienus). After his victory (over someone), Domitianus […]