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Claudius II Gothicus – 268-270 AD

Claudius Gothicus II Emperor 268-270 AD   Born 214 Died 270 AD Marcus Aurelius Valerius Claudius Gothicus II was most likely from Upper Moesia. Claudius appears to have been an accomplished soldier originally serving as a tribune under Trajanus Decius and Valerian I. Under Valerian, Claudius rose to the highest rank of supreme commander of […]

Laelianus – 268 AD

Ulpius Cornelius Laelianus 268 AD Ulpius Cornelius Laelianus was one of the Thirty Tyrants listed in Historia Augusta during the late 3rd century AD. Laelianus led a revolt against the Gallic Emperor Postumus from the city of Mainz (Moguntiacum). His attempt to take the throne was ultimately unsuccessful. It is not known whether he was killed by Postumus (259-268AD) […]

Postumus – 260-268 AD

Postumus 260-268 AD Marcus Cassianius Latinius Postumus was a soldier who rose to the rank of commander in the Rhine legions under the emperor Valerian I. It appears that perhaps when Valerian I was captured during the spring of 260AD. Perhaps this was the moment when Postumus made his move, and the troops did not support […]

Salonina – Wife

Salonina Wife of Emperor Gallienus 253-268 AD Cornelia Salonina Chrysogone was the wife of Emperor Gallienus and the mother of Valerian II andSaloninus. She was married to Gallienus around 249 AD. Salonina is said to have been a virtuous and intellectual woman. Unfortunately, she was murdered with her husband in 268 AD at the siege […]

Gallienus – 253-268 AD

Gallienus 253 – 268 AD Publius Licinius Egnatius Gallienus was the son of the emperor Valerian I. Gallienus was raised to the rank of co-emperor (Augustus) soon after his father was hailed Augustus by his troops. At the same time, Gallienus’s son, Valerian II, was given the rank of Caesar. In 254 AD, Gallienus was charged […]

Diviae Mariniana – Wife

Diviae Mariniana Wife of Valerian I Mariniana was the wife of Valerian I and the mother of Valerian II and Gallienus. Based upon her surviving coinage, it would appear that she died prior to her husband’s accession to the the throne of the Roman Empire. All her coins are thus commemorative by nature. Monetary System During the reign of her […]

Valerian I – 253-260 AD

Valerian I 253-260 AD Pubius Licinius Valerianus was a man from a respected Roman family, Valerian had held various offices in the government during the reign of Trajan Decius (249-251AD). At the time of the revolt of Aemilian (252-253AD) against the emperor Trebonianus Gallus (251-253AD), Valerian was summoned to bring his army drawn from garrisons stationed on the Rhine. Aemilian […]

Trebonianus Gallus – 251-253 AD

Trebonianus Gallus 251-253 AD C. Vibius Trebonianus Gallus was born about 206 AD at Perugia in Italy. He was a Senator, had served as Consul and was Governor of Upper Moesia beginning around 250 AD. Trebonianus Gallus served in the army holding a high rank and playing a leading role in the Danube wars under Trajan […]

Hostilian – 251 AD

Hostilian 251 AD Gaius Valens Hostilianus Messius Quintus was the younger son of Trajan Decius and Herennia Etruscilla. In 250 AD, his older brother Herennius Etruscus was raised to the rank of Caesar as was  Hostilian. While his father and brother were campaigning against the Goths, Hostilian had remained in Rome with his mother. Upon receiving word that both his father […]

Herennia Etruscilla – Wife

Herennia Etruscilla Wife of Trajan Decius Herennia Cupressenia Etruscilla was descended from an old Italian family. She was the wife of Trajan Deciusand the mother of Herennius Etruscus and Hostilian. She received the title of Augusta about 250 AD. Not a great deal is known about her. However, she did support her husband’s persecution of Christians. Herennia’s world was shaken apart […]