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Octavian – 42 BC

Octavian born 63 BC – died 14 AD great-nephew of Julius Caesar Gaius Octavius Thurinus was born on September 23rd, 63 BC, to Gaius Octavius and Atia, a niece of Julius Caesar, by his sister Julia. The Octavian family had been associated with the bloody affair of proscriptions in Africa. Octavian preferred to distance himself from that reputation and instead […]

Labienus – 39 BC

Quintus Labienus Parthicus supporter of Brutus died circa 39 BC Quintus Labienus was the son of Titus Labienus, who served as the principal lieutenant to Julius Caesar during his conquest of Gaul between 58 and 51 BC. Despite this close relationship with Caesar, Titus supported Pompey during the Civil War but died at the Battle of Munda. Like […]

Marcus Antonius Jr – Son

Marcus Antonius Jr Sold by Sotheby son of Marc Antony executed by Octavian circa 30 BC Mark Antony Junior was the son of Mark Antony and Fulvia, his first wife. Little is known about this once potential heir of Rome, but that he was executed at Alexandria after his father’s death by the orders of […]

Brutus – 42 BC

 Marcus Junius Brutus Imperator, 44 – 42 BC Born 85 BC – Died 42 BC, age 43 Marcus Junius Brutus, perhaps the most famous assassin known to history, descended from a long line of distinguished Roman Republican ancestors. According to Roman tradition, one of these, Lucius Junius Brutus, the so-called “Founder of the Republic” and Consul in 504 BC, took a […]

Crassus – 44BC

Marcus Licinius Crassus   115 – 53 BC member of 1st Triumvirate Marcus Licinius Crassus is best remembered by history as the third member of the First Triumvirate along with Caesar and Pompey. Crassus was indeed a leading figure in the final days of the Roman Republic who played a key role in transforming history. Crassus was known as […]

Gaius Julius Caesar – 44BC

Dictator, 48 – 44 BC Born 100 BC – Assassinated 44 BC, age 56 Temple of Alexandria & the Black Bust of Caesar Commissioned by Cleopatra Gaius Julius Caesar was born to an aristocratic family. His parents were Gaius Julius Caesar and Aurelia. Julius was born on July 13th, 100 BC, for whom the month of July is named. […]

Pompey The Great- 48 BC

Dictator, 53 – 48 BC Born 106 – died 48 BC, age 58 GNAEUS POMPEIUS MAGNUS (Pompey the Great) was Rome’s most famous general during the later period of the Republic. He was the son of Pompeius Strabo, who was born in 106 BC. Pompey was married several times. Finally, during his third marriage to […]

The Monetary History of the Roman Republic

By Martin A. Armstrong It is told that Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus in about 753 BC. Roman tradition held that the first Romans migrated to Italy following the fall of Troy. If so, the Romans would appear to have lost most of their culture and artistic skills. It is perhaps more likely […]

Will Leverage Cause The Financial World to Blow Up?

Will Leverage Cause The Financial World to Blow Up? By Martin A. Armstrong Copyright October 9th, 1998 Princeton Economic Institute There has always been the question of leverage that enters into the process of any financial panic. The degree of leverage within the system is a key factor in determining just how severe the panic […]

World Ends Here?

by Martin A. Armstrong copyright October 7, 1998 Princeton Economic Institute The sheer chaos that is unfolding within the financial markets has now reached a level that simply requires government intervention within the foreign exchange sector. We have warned repeatedly that government intervention is wrong and that it disrupts the world economy by attempt to […]