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Manipulating the World Economy Or Just Understanding How It Really Functions?

Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved May 16th, 2012 Manipulating the World Economy Or Just Understanding How It Really Functions? Some people will never admit a mistake. No matter what I say, they just will not believe me. I have received emails from some nasty gold fanatics saying the government is right for whenever I […]

Timing on CBT US Bond Futures

LONG TERM TIMING FOR BONDS From the Quarterly Chart of Bonds we see a Bifurcation Turning Point indicated for 3rd Quarter 1998. Next look at the Timing Arrays. Note that the 3rd Quarter, once again, is indicated for DIRECTIONAL CHANGE, PANIC and HIGH VOLATILITY. If you have studied our ” Economic Confidence Model” you will […]

A Continued Era of Deflation or A Premature Expectation of Inflation?

A Continued Era of Deflation or A Premature Expectation of Inflation? © Martin A. Armstrong Economists and analysts argue that double-digit inflation is something of the past – a freak of nature that took place during the Carter years of the mid-70s. On April 19th, 1993, Alan Greenspan (Chairman of the Federal Reserve) made a statement […]

A Crisis in Democracy

A Crisis in Democracy The Price of Intervention © Martin A. Armstrong Arthur William Edgar O’Shaughnessy once wrote in his classic Ode back in the 19th century… “We are the music-makers, And we are the dreamers of dreams, Wandering by lone sea breakers, And sitting by desolate streams; World-losers and world-forsakers, On whom the pale […]

Nero – 54-68 AD

NERO (54 – 68AD) Born 37 – Died 68 AD, Age 31 Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus (Nero) was born on the 15th of December at Annum, a small Italian seaside community, in 37 AD. He was the son of Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus and Agrippina Junior., daughter of Germanicus, sister of Caligula, and fourth wife to Emperor Claudius. Nero’s […]

Crash of 1998 Is it Over Or Just Beginning?

Crash of 1998 Is it Over Or Just Beginning? By Martin A. Armstrong Copyright September 9th, 1998 Princeton Economic Institute There was a sigh of relief yesterday when the markets rebounded sharply. So many began to tout what stock should be bought right away that the Fed is thinking about lower interest rates instead of […]

The Crash of 1998 Day 34 Update

The Crash of 1998 Day 34 Update Clearly the Worst this Century By Martin A. Armstrong © Princeton Economic Institute September 5th, 1998 Previous Postings Great Financial Panics In History When we first published a comparison of this current debacle 12 days from the high, we ran the headline “Worst Crash This Century”. We received […]

The Crash of '98 Continues

The Crash of ’98 Continues By Martin A. Armstrong August 14, 1998 Copyright Princeton Economic Institute While our clients have been amazed that our computer model called for the peak in the stocks markets as July 20th, 1998 more than 4 years ago, some visitors to this site have sent their emails of disapproval. We […]

Worst So Far This Century

The Current Crash of 1998 Is the worst so far this Century By Martin A. Armstrong Princeton Economic Institute © Copyright August 5th, 1998 There are many ways to measure the magnitude of a crash. Some might look at the overall points. This is not a valid statistic since the entire Crash of 1929 was […]

Panic of 1998

    Global Meltdown Economic Confidence Model & the July 20th Turning Point Worst So Far This Century The Crash of ’98 Continues Intervention With a new twist Is this the Next Great Depression? The Crash of 1998 Day 34 Update Crash of 1998 Is it Over Or Just Beginning? Do We Need to Be […]