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Make-A-Wish Denies Unvaccinated Boy’s Dying Wish – Don’t Donate to Them!

The hatred toward the unvaccinated population has become so alarming that the risk of violence is imminent. Heartbreakingly, the Make-A-Wish Foundation has refused a 4-year-old child his dying wish because he is not vaccinated. Rocco, a terminally ill boy from Staten Island, New York, wanted to meet Mickey Mouse in Disney World, as many kids […]

Market Talk – December 14, 2021

ASIA: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Indonesia on Tuesday to discuss the Indo-Pacific trade pact. Blinken accused China of “aggressive actions” in the South China Sea that could threaten over $3 trillion in annual commerce. “I am here, we are here, because what happens in the Indo-Pacific will, more than any other region, […]

Is Stupidity Now a Requirement to be a Politician?

New York Governor Kathy Hochul has ordered that indoor public places statewide, including restaurants and shops, must order all staff and customers to either show proof of vaccination or wear masks. If getting vaccinated neither prevents you from getting COVID nor spreading it, her decree makes no sense whatsoever that only the UNVACCINATED must wear […]

Britsh Court Claims US Will Treat Assange Humanely

In perhaps the most absurd ruling of any court, a British Appeals Court ruled that the US assurance that Assange will be treated with humanity is a joke. He will be tortured and treated with absolute contempt for exposing all the illegal activity that the United States’ uncontrolled bureaucrats have done. The US regards treason […]

Supply Chain Shortage Killing NY Cheesecake & NY Bagels

The only thing left standing that was good about NYC was Junior’s Cheesecake. I could order it for delivery without going through Mayor Bill de Blasio’s contest to see how much business in New York he could destroy in three years. His departing decree was that every business in New York must vaccinate its employees […]

Young Athletes Dying After COVID-19 Vaccine

The pinnacle of health, athletes seem to have an edge over the rest of society. Their grueling workout and nutrition programs, mixed with natural genetic athleticism, puts them ahead of others in the natural immunity category. So why are young athletes suddenly collapsing and/or dying from heart complications? The sports world has mostly mandated vaccines […]

Is COVID Following the Economics of the Black Plague?

While just about every historical piece on the Black Plague you will read tells the story from the plague perspective. However, I look at history differently. I always correlate everything from all sides and what all the reports on the Black Plague overlook are the economics of the crisis. While there are no GDP records, […]

Sanctions and Starvation in Afghanistan

    (Afghanistan-related designations are one of the few cases in which President Barack Obama’s administration imposed more economic sanctions (103) than President Donald Trump’s administration (24), which was publicly engaged in peace talks with the Taliban from 2018 to 2020 and issued fewer sanctions. (U.S. Department of the Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control; […]

It’s Looking A Lot Like Frozen Winterland

The weather is following what our computer has been forecasting using historical data and correlating history to ascertain the cyclical nature of weather. The ice has now grown larger than the global warming crowd has ever predicted. This threatens Europe with a very cold winter that will further endanger food production. The entire problem with […]

Mayor Bill de Blasio Issues Private Business Vaccine Mandate

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has implemented the first statewide vaccine mandate for private employees. Referring to the move as a “pre-emptive strike,” the new mandate will apply to around 184,000 businesses and will take full effect on December 27 and partial effect as soon as December 14 (proof of partial vaccination required). […]