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Did Michael Moore Endorse Trump Rather Amazingly?

Michael Moore supposed released a video where he states that since career politicians hate Trump, corporate America hates Trump, Wall Street hates trump, and the media hates Trump, this will be the biggest F–K YOU vote in history. It feels like revolution time at the polls, to say the least. Maybe the computer is right […]

Trump’s Drain the Swamp Trump’s Latest Message Drain the “Swamp” He Calls Washington. This is why the Republican elite stand for Hillary. Term limits and ending lobbying by former government staff would cut too deep into their pockets.

Curious Undecided Went for Trump?  

DNC Caught Creating Violence at Trump Rallies Megyn Kelly grilled Donna Brazile on the recently released videos that show the Democratic National Committee (DNC) hiring people to create violence at Trump rallies in an effort to discredit Trump supporters. American political activist James O’Keefe, the founder of Project Veritas, released the undercover tapes entitled “Rigging the Election” to expose the corruption behind […]

Trump’s Proposals for Ethics Reform

Trump’s “Ethics Reform” is one of the major reasons the elite Republican support Hillary. Besides banning members and staff from becoming lobbyists for 5 years, Trump has added to that list TERM LIMITS FOR CONGRESS! In other words, he is proposing the END of career politicians. This, along with his promise to repeal Obamacare, which […]

Trump v Hillary White House

QUESTION: Marty; As you have always said you are not Republican or Democrat because both parties are corrupt and the scandals seem to be endless on both sides. Hillary scandals involve money and Trump women, not unlike Bill. In many ways, this is like the Clintons, sex v money. So what do you really think […]

They Will Not Allow Trump to Win Regardless of the Vote

The preparation to declare the election a fraud is in high gear. The newspapers are full of the planted stories that Russia will hack the election to ensure Trump wins – not Hillary. The Democrats are now putting out the argument that Wikileaks’ source on all these emails is also Russia saying they use to […]

Is Trump Really the Answer?

Well, of course not. NOBODY is willing to run for office that you would say is truly qualified. The other crazy aspect is that people really think electing a president could change something. Hillary is the corrupt politician gone wild. Not that she is the only one by far. She is just the poster-child for everything […]

Am I Biased for Trump?

COMMENT:  Mr.Armstrong, I am wondering why you haven’t commented on the recent Trump scandal about the video with Billy Bush? Constantly seeing articles on how corrupt Hillary is but obviously you are biased towards Trump winning for not making a statement about his misogynist comments about women! Sincerely, PH REPLY: There is a huge difference […]

Republicans Call for Trump to Bow Out of Election Confirming They Are Conspiring With Hillary

If there was ever proof that the Republican elite want Hillary to win, you just got it. The  video published by the Washington Post showing Trump having a vulgar discussion about a number of women is indeed over the top and something you would expect from a locker-room banter. Trump himself had to admit he […]