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The Insanity of the Biden Administration – Decline & Fall of the West

The Biden Administration has been fully subordinated to the Great Reset. It is highly debatable if Joe is really doing anything. During an international crisis, he still takes off weekends and heads to Delaware. Gee, perhaps I should run for President and get weekends off instead of having to work 7 days a week during […]

Did Manchin Just Save the Federal Reserve?

Once again Joe Manchin has broken away from party lines to prevent the Democrats from destroying the global economy. Manchin announced that he would not support President Biden’s pick for Fed chair, Sarah Bloom Raskin, as her personal views on climate change could drastically alter Fed policy. “I have carefully reviewed Sarah Bloom Raskin’s qualifications […]

Distrust is the Default

Public confidence has plummeted. People across the world have lost faith in their governments, economy, and overall futures. The 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer surveyed 36,000 respondents from 28 countries in November 2021. Similar sentiments are being felt across the world as inflation, civil unrest, and war continues to wreak havoc on our lives with no […]

The Great Economic Destruction & COMPLEXITY

COMMENT #1: OK Marty, it is now becoming obvious that not only Trump reads your stuff but so does Obama. Trump bought a $19 million remote island and Obama bought one for $15 million. This is not a coincidence. Your war cycle goes nuts next year and we have the worst crop of world leaders […]

A Very Convenient Coincidence

QUESTION: You noted that the Pentagon rejected Poland sending planes to Ukraine showed they were not behind this drive. Is this just politicians? LW ANSWER: Wars are always begun by politicians. Some for their ego to rule and conquer like Alexander the Great. Others do so out of retribution, such as Hitler, mixed with the […]

The End of Cryptocurrency Coming?

I warned ion the private blog that cryptocurrencies may end up being suspended. The excuse will be Russia and the news is out now that Biden will sign an Executive Order to regulate cryptos because Russia can use it to circumvent sanctions. Not only is Biden authorizing the regulation of digital currencies, but he is […]

The Model on War & Food Shortages

During a war, food production collapses because tanks have a tendency to plow down crops. Here is a food ratio book from World War II in the United States where tanks were not plowing down fields. So even during WWII War, there were Ration Stamp Books issued by the United States government for citizens to […]

The Coming WWIII

While people rush to kiss the feet of Zelensky, even some Ukrainians are now concerned that he is a puppet dragging their country to destruction all over Donbas. I have warned that this is going to turn into WWIII. China has now come out and warned the USA against trying to build what it called […]

Russia Disconnecting the Internet to Prevent US Cyber attacks

  While Cogent Communications, a major internet backbone provider that routes data across intercontinental connections, cut ties with Russian customers. It cited sanctions over the invasion of Ukraine. However, Putin is very strategic and despite the allegations that Russia intervened in US elections which turnout out to be false before the 2020 election Putin took […]

US Effectively Declares World War III Starting with Russia

  World peace is created by economic opportunity. That is how the Roman Empire flourished for 1,000 years. They conquered much of North Africa during the Punic Wars. They conquered Greece and the East during the days of the Republic. Yes, they conquered all of Europe under Julius Caesar. They captured Egypt under Octavian who […]