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British Politics Melting Down

Seven members of the Labour shadow cabinet have resigned and one has been sacked. Resignations so far include the shadow health secretary, Scottish secretary, transport secretary, and education secretary. Jeremy Corbyn is so far out of touch that he and Hollande simply remain in a total state of denial. Meanwhile, Scotland is showing its total ignorance of […]

Dow – Down & Dirty?

The Dow has been bouncing off the Reversals as well. Despite being above 17800, it would fail to close above that. The question becomes WHEN will the Dow breakout to test new highs with the next target zone in the 21,000 to 23,000 area? With the closing on Friday below the first Minor Weekly Bearish […]

Site Will Be Down Saturday June 18th

The site will be down today for some updating. It will be back up on Sunday

Private Blog Update in Metals & Dow for Close 6/17/2016

We have made two updates on the Private Blog

Dow Update June 16, 2016

The Dow was doing well with the prospect of a rate hike until the Jobs Report. While on the one hand it appears that the Dow has declined because the Fed failed to raise rates, there is something else lurking behind the curtain. The Reversals are working perfectly defining where trends breakout and where they […]

Pensions Continue to Spiral Downward

There are 11 million workers in Britain who assumed they had great pensions. The British Steel Pension Scheme is proposing to break its pension promises to its 130,000 members because they are losing money. Tata Steel is looking to sell its holding in its UK plants over the next few months, and that means that the £15bn pension scheme, […]

Private Blog Update Dow & Gold

Private Blog Update Dow & Gold

Reviewing The Dow Arrays

COMMENT: Mr Armstrong, I have been the ultimate skeptic for so many claimed analysts give an opinion and that is really it. I have kept track of your arrays on the weekly Dow. I understand why the government wanted your model. Your model really works. Your array posted last October 16 picked the November high amazingly. […]

Private Blog Update on the Dow

Private Blog Update on the Dow

Upside-Down Statistics — What is Down, May Be Up

The Nonfarm Payrolls came in substantially lower than expected. The dollar dropped with gold rising, but the Dow did not crash on the open in the same percentage move. So what is really going on here? The economy is in a transition phase that is the same as what took place during the 1920s. Back […]