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The Debt Crisis in Europe That Can’t Wait

There is little doubt that people are now calling for a debt crisis in European sovereign debt. When we began warning that this crisis would arrive by 2015 before the 2016 Presidential elections, it appeared strange, but now seems to be old hat. The key is that this has been the forecast of our computer, […]

The Reaction in the Euro

The reaction rally in the Euro appears to be on schedule. The March low at 10458 held during April, so at the very least that implies a 2-3 month reaction rally. Bank dealing desks have reported to us that their trading lines have been cut. We previously reported that we suspected the ECB had asked […]

Europe to End FDIC Insurance System for Banks?

So what is the purpose of paying taxes? It was supposed to be about protecting society, but politicians are bribed to allow the banks to do as they like with other people’s money. The whole system of insuring the people to create confidence goes out the window when those protections cost too much. It was […]

Europe’s Refugee Crisis

This is an illustration of how the EU is going insane with the austerity movement when they are in direct conflict with the perpetual borrowing and lacking monetary reform. Italy has cut its budget to the bone. That was the only thing stopping all the refugees pouring into Europe from North Africa, many of which […]

European World Conference in Berlin November 28-29th

We strongly urge our regular clients to lock in your seat for the Berlin European World Economic Conference. We increased the venue size, and even that is more than halfway sold out already. With all the major publicity we are getting on the business cycle in Europe, we do not want our regular clients to be blocked. […]

The European World Economic Conference

The European World Economic Conference will cover the world. When we say it will cover Europe, we are talking about the continent, not just the EU. So yes, that includes Switzerland, Eastern Europe, as well as Russia.

Can Europe be Saved?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I find it truly enlightening that you told the European Commission from the outset this idea of the euro would fail because of a faulty structural design. Do you think there is any way to save the European system now? ANSWER: Unfortunately, I believe the entire European project is completely dysfunctional and it […]

European Tour Open to Public

These are the events that are open to the public in Europe: 4/28    Stuttgart, Kino Delphi 7:30pm (booking is open) 4/29    Berlin, Filmtheater am Friedrichshain 8pm (booking is open) 5/07    Leuven, Belgium, Docville Festival 9:15pm 5/08   Tübingen, Kino Museum Solution-Conference 4pm (booking is open) 5/08   Tübingen, Kino Museum THE FORECASTER 6pm (booking is […]

How Banks Wiped Out Eastern Europeans

When Communism fell, there was no private ownership. People ended up owning the place in which they lived for a small fee payable to the government. Suddenly, Eastern Europeans owned property with no debt for the most part. Banks rushed in offering credit cards and mortgages backed by wholly owned property. The banks buried the […]

Swiss lose 6250 francs per person on the Euro peg

  The Swiss Central Bank lost 50 billion Swiss francs on the Euro Peg. That works out to 6,250 CHF per person including children.  So every couple lost 12,500 and a family of four lost 25,000 CHF. And this is all about government decisions in manipulating the economy.  Great job.