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Gold – Dollar – Euro

  We are in a very fluid period, which can be confusing, yet it is important to comprehend that NOTHING but NOTHING is ever PERMANENT. On the one hand, gold will eventually decline for its final low on the benchmarks. The only thing that will call that into question is a Monthly Closing ABOVE 1350. […]

Gold – The January Pop – On Schedule?

  Back in December, we warned that gold would produce a pop and that the main resistance was in the 1250-1275 level. We now need a closing ABOVE 1250.50 tomorrow to confirm a further advance is possible. This is part of the interconnections. This forecast for a pop in gold into January was not “opinion” […]

Gold – It is not finished until the fat-lady sings

QUESTION:   Hi Martin All the goldbugs are out screaming the low is in ad gold is rising. Why is it rising with all the deflation? Should we be double checking something here? thanks M ANSWER: When they scream and there remains dead-silence, it is not finished until the fat-lady sings, as they say about operas. […]

Gold v Dollar

  The typical sales job of the gold promoters has spend so much energy in selling gold as a hedge against inflation and thus gold will rise with the fall of the dollar, that they have so distorted the role of gold that they are driving potential investors away who look upon the gold crowd […]

Is Gold Still Viable?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, I’m 47….basically one question……….is Gold over for my life time?   Should I just sell it?   What does the ECM say about Gold after big bang? thanks for all you efforts.   D in … Australia.  ANSWER: No. Gold is still a vital component for what we face. My problem is purely […]

Gold For Closing 2014

  Well despite all the hate mail, accusations, threats, and bad-mouthing not to mention the silent-treatment, gold continues to reflect the real deflationary trend that has engulfed the entire world. The metals promoters keep trying to ignore reality causing many to lose their life-savings. They remain ignorant of the fact that the dollar has become […]

Gold and the Seasonal Bounce

While gold is choppy, nothing seems different from the general overview that it should rise into its normal seasonal turning point. From there, it appears that gold will turn back down moving into the benchmark targets outlined in the report. The first resistance that must be overcome to hint that the seasonal bounce is unfolding […]

Gold – The Pop

  We closed above the 1217 level suggesting we will press a bit higher. We now need a closing above 1220 to signal a rally is possible up to the 1255 to 1275 area. We need a year-end closing above 1310 to shift gold into a neutral position. A number of emails have poured in […]


ANSWER: Yes this is the pop. We got the Panic Down on Friday, the Monday low, we need a closing above 1208 to suggest pressing higher. Welcome to the new age of rising volatility. This now cleans out the shorts. Resistance stands at 1217. A close above that should signal some further upside.

Gold – One More Pop or Collapse?

  Friday came in with the Panic Cycle on target. The polls in Switzerland were showing little support for the Save Our Gold issue. Nevertheless, as we approach year-end the major trading range will be 1310 to 1042.50. These are the outer end range boundaries and closing between these two numbers will leave gold in […]