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Klaus Schwab – The New Karl Marx Destined to Kill Hundreds of Millions

  So many people are really just ignorant. They think this election is about picking Trump v Biden. They are clueless because mainstream media is once again supporting this agenda of the Great Reset. Listen carefully to Schwab’s words. He expressly states “equality” which is the dream which began with Karl Marx. The New York […]

Resistance Is Not Always Futile – Manchester & Liverpool Stand up To Boris Johnson

The Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham has come out and refused to follow the demands of Boris Johnson who is increasingly acting, not like a politician, but someone who has been bribed to sabotage BREXIT and to crush the British economy for Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset. Johnson has not only abandoned the very core principles […]

Twitter & Facebook Censoring the Truth

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You went from the most renowned economist in the world to a conspiracy theorist and now you are being regarded as the guy who really had the sources about the virus. Your sources about Russia and Ukraine turned out to be true. Your career is a cycle in itself. It has taught […]

The Insanity of Central Banks

QUESTION: Marty, you mentioned several times now, that the ECB MUST convert to a digital Euro. I have done speeches about that based on a paper from the IMF (Christine Lagarde) last year, in which they too discuss how to do it. But I have a serious question regarding timing. I live in Germany and I would […]

Only Australia’s Sky News is Defending the People Against Schwab

Mainstream media is still desperately acting like the Nazis at Nuremberg — I was just following orders. ONLY Sky News in Australia has the guts to call out these people for what they are. Klaus Schwab and his academic dreams of reordering the world have to be exposed. A CLASS ACTION lawsuit should be filed […]

World Economic Conference 2020 – Dec 4 & 5

This year’s World Economic Conference, which Nigel Farage called “the alternative to Davos,” will be held in Orlando on December 4 & 5. We had to cancel Shanghai and Frankfurt this year, but our arrangements with the hotel here in Orlando and politics have opened doors. We will not be able to accommodate the usual […]

Nabarro of the WHO Breaks Ranks with Tedos the Terrible

Dr. David Nabarro, Britain’s envoy to the World Health Organisation (W.H.O.) has contradicted the WHO and his own Boris Johnson. Nabarro has condemned mass coronavirus lockdowns calling them the “ghastly global catastrophe” which has caused the unprecedented crash of the world economy. Nabarro has correctly appealed to world leaders this past weekend telling them to […]

COVID v Flu & Very Dangerous People

What is becoming increasingly clear is that those in strategic power countries have been bribed to impose lockdowns etc, and other countries have followed their lead assuming they are correct. The Flu deaths and real COVID are about the same. Governments have NEVER shut down the world economy for the Flu. It is obvious that […]

The 2020 Gold/Silver Ratio Report

    On the various interviews I have done concerning the precious metals, many were surprised to hear me say that gold was not breaking out on a sustained basis with the ratio rising. When the ratio hit the target area, many have written in to say ,”Wow, shorting gold and long silver was an […]

Using Every Trick in the Book

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I know you have said several times that the maniacs pushing this Great Reset are going to lose, but are your models showing any idea on WHEN the tipping point is going to be reached here where the majority see through the nonsense and stop co-operating? I’m based in the UK and […]