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Why the CNN Fake News & Others are a Major Threat to Democracy

We think of false information as a domestic problem that Trump is in the battle with CNN and the term “fake news” is just political talk. It’s far more dangerous than that. The history books confirm that the Spanish American War was created by the press falsely reporting an attack that never took place. The […]

Political Polarization – Are the Democrats Trying to Change American Politics by Opening Borders?

There are trends which have unfolded in politics that cannot be repaired and reflect the decline in confidence in the government which is dominating the future into 2032. We face not only the polarization of politics which is emerging into hate politics, but we are also witnessing the attempt to subvert the political system for […]

Washington Post Praying for a Recession to Defeat Trump

It has become obvious that the mainstream press is FAKE NEWS. They are indeed out to get Trump and are using their position to desperately try to support the bureaucracy. The Washington Post has run a story stating Trump is wrong about the strength of the US economy. They claim his own advisors are warning […]

The Shift in Small Donations to Trump

There is a major shift taking place within the Republican party that has some people on the Hill taking notice. Traditionally, the Republicans have had the image that they are the party of the rich and corporations, despite the fact that the bankers would not donate to Trump in 2016 and it all went to […]

Economic Storm Trump Will be Blamed For Because of Bad Advisers

There is a very Dark Cloud hovering over the world economy and at the center of this cloud lies not just Europe, but Germany – the strongest economy holding up all of Europe. The German manufacturing sector is in freefall. Trump will be blamed calling this the result of his Trade War. It is probably […]

17 More Goldman Sachs’ People Indicted

Malaysia filed criminal charges on Friday against 17 current and former directors at subsidiaries of Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N) following an investigation into a multi-billion-dollar corruption scandal that led to the demise of state fund 1MDB. Those charged include Richard Gnodde, chief executive of Goldman Sachs International, Michael Evans, president of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd […]

Mueller was just not Credible

QUESTION: Marty, it seems the Mueller’s testimony was really bad for the Democrats and it looks like Mueller refused to investigate the fact that Hillary paid for the Steele Dossier which started this whole investigation. How can Mueller investigate everything but not Hillary and the Steele Dossier? PD ANSWER: You are correct. Mueller claimed ignorance. […]

Epstein Held in New York Version of Guantánamo

Jeffrey Epstein was being housed in the “10 South” unit, commonly known as the “HOLE” which is a 24- hour lock-down where they also keep terrorists which is very strange just pending trial. This is not about Epstein but who he could implicate. It has been called America’s Gulag and the Guantánamo hid in New […]

The Jeffrey Epstein Affair & the Deafening Silence from Washington

Why is no one in the D.C. political class and media bubble really talking about the Jeffrey Epstein affair? They will mention it casually, but they prefer to allow the Squad to call, Trump, a racist than address an issue which could lead to high levels of the political class. The media also seems to […]

Is the Gang of Four Trying to Start Race Wars?

U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.), and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) held a news conference on Monday to respond to President Donald Trump who targeted the women in tweets and comments, which of course people claimed were racist since you cannot attack what they say simply because they […]