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Warning Neocons Joining Democrats to Support War

I have previously written that all wars have been started by the Democrats with the single exception of the Iraq War under Dick Cheney and the Neocons. Now after Trump has pulled out of Syria, the Neocons are meeting with the Democrats to retake the White House and restore the effort to bring World War III […]

Yellow Vests Advocate Taking Money Out of Banks in France to Topple Macron

The Yellow Vest Movement in France is turning to an all-out war against Macron. Many are now advocating withdrawing their money from banks in order to topple Macron. Yellow Vest activists ‘Gilets Jaunes’, are now supported by up to 70% of the population. This new effort stepping up their pressure to de-throne President Macron and regain French […]

Do Documents of the Government Belong to the Government or the People?

COMMENT: Dear Marty, Rudy Giuliani, Trump‘s lawyer and former mayor of New York, says Julian Assange of Wikileaks should not be prosecuted and compares his work to the Pentagon Papers. Kind regards, MS   REPLY: I totally disagree with the attempt to prosecute Julian Assange of Wikileaks or Snowden. The argument for his prosecution is based […]

Belgium – After Nearly 2 years Without a Government – Charles Michel Resigns

CLARIFICATION ON Charles Michel Prime Minister Charles Michel’s coalition collapsed because it signed the United Nations agreement that has become a cause celebre for anti-immigrant politicians. The document is known as the “Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.” The U.S. and a number of other countries, most of them in central and eastern Europe, have […]

The Central Bank War – Nobody Notices

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong: I have watched in amazement how you connect all these elements. Everyone I spoke to agreed this was your best WEC ever. You have said the Fed needed to raise rates because of the pension crisis and it would have nothing to do with inflation but it has to normalize rates to help […]

The Brewing European Debt Crisis

Macron is pushing for the European Finance Minister to raise money by selling EU bonds and then distribute the money to the 19-member Eurozone. France is very heavily indebted and here once again we have simply the goal to raise more money rather than reform. Because of the riots in France, Macron is trying to […]

When is Inflation – Deflation?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; the WEC was the best ever. The materials it took you a month to prepare in advance are amazing. Your insight into the difference between a sovereign debt crisis and how that produces deflation compared to the debasement deserves a Nobel Prize. My question is how did the people cope with the […]

France Has the Highest Tax Rate in the Industrialized World & Worst Investment Record in Europe

What is really amazing is how governments just fail to comprehend that revolution is instigated by corruption and taxes. Nevertheless, they just can’t help themselves. They have to keep taking cookies from the jar until it is empty and then act surprised when the people suddenly rise up. France tops the list of the highest taxed […]

Market Talk- November 23, 2018

Often, when a major economy is out markets are quiet and that is exactly what we have seen the past two days. Thanks Giving in the US and national holidays in Japan has kept global markets quiet, closing almost unchanged from midweek close. Additionally, with such uncertainty surround Trade talks and BREXIT negotiations it endorsed […]

Goldman Sachs Going Down on the Pi Target?

The Abu Dhabi sovereign wealth fund sued Goldman Sachs on the Pi Target, Wednesday, November 21st, 2018,  for allegedly conspiring against the Middle Eastern fund to further a criminal scheme by Malaysia’s scandal-plagued 1MDB. The suit, filed in a New York court on behalf of Abu Dhabi’s International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC), names Goldman Sachs […]