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There is No Defense to Hypersonic Missiles & Russia’s Plans to Expand

Russia announced yesterday that it will increase its military strength from 1 million to 1.5 million. The Western Press keeps putting out the propaganda that that this is all because Russia has lost momentum and many soldiers in Ukraine. I reported before that sources from Ukraine, not Russia, put the death toll at over 100,000 […]

Why does Academia Always Resist Change?

QUESTION: I find it interesting that the Roman coin the academics said was fake has now been shown that it had been in circulation. Is this what you talk about how academics are always trying to reject anything that upset their established view of science or history? SC ANSWER: Absolutely. It does not matter the […]

Market Talk – December 22, 2022

We wish all of our readers a happy and prosperous holiday season. Due to decreased market activity, Market Talk is postponed until January 3, 2023.   ASIA:   The major Asian stock markets had a mixed day today: NIKKEI 225 increased 120.15 points or 0.46% to 26,507.87 Shanghai decreased 13.98 points or -0.46% to 3,054.43 […]

Corruption to Keep the Game Going

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I know you are very familiar with Ukraine. A friend of mine believes he met you in Kiev back in 2013. You and Henry Kissinger are the lone voices who have told the truth and how the West cares nothing about the people in the Donbas. When you attack a people’s religion, […]

Criminally Prosecuting Trump?

There was NEVER a question that the Democrats began their January 6th investigation with the intent to charge Trump criminally with an insurrection all to prevent him from running for office again in 2024. They have “recommended” that former President Trump should be prosecuted for his role in the Jan. 6 Capitol attacks. This was […]

The Untold Backdrop to Jeffrey Epstein

  Epstein was clearly involved in one of the biggest honey traps probably in history. They have been using girls/women to blackmail powerful people for decades. They tried that even with John F. Kennedy and they successfully got control of Edgar Hoover. You can read Whitney Webb’s One Nation Under Blackmail. This has been going […]

Market Talk – December 15, 2022

ASIA:   Citigroup Inc said it will wind down its consumer banking business in China, a move which is expected to affect about 1,200 employees in the country. The exit will include products such as deposits, insurance, mortgages, investments, loans and cards, the lender said in a statement Thursday. The bank will also explore options […]

Merkel Admits Minsk Agreement was to Trick Russia

Merkel has basically said that the Minsk Agreement was to buy time for Ukraine to build up its army and never was there any intention of allowing the Russians in the Donbas to vote on their own future. Merkel admitted that they negotiated in bad faith with Putin simply to allow Ukraine time to fortify […]

The COVID Scam Continues

  Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that vaccinated and boosted people made up most of the COVID-19 deaths in August. EVERY person I personally know who has had problems from blood clots to being rushed to the hospital was vaccinated. I went to get my hair cut, yes what’s […]

Europe’s Leadership – Pure Insanity

Europe is trying to impose a cap on Russian oil at $60 a barrel. Russian authorities rejected a price cap and threatened to stop supplying the nations that endorsed it. Australia, Britain, Canada, Japan, the United States and the 27-nation European Union agreed to cap what they would pay for Russian oil at $60-per-barrel. The […]