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International Tourism Collapses by 80%

International tourism has plunged it looks like coming in at around 80% by the end of the year. The UN World Tourism Organisation says it will drop at least 60%. The result of this has contributed to what we see as unemployment over 300 million worldwide. This collapse in tourism is 100% post-April 2020. This […]

Trump Tested Positive for Coronavirus

The Breaking news that President Trump and first lady Melania have tested positive for the coronavirus is unsettling. Previously, his closest aide, Hope Hicks, tested positive for coronavirus. It is likely that other top aides may also have been infected. As such, the White House operations are disrupted, to say the least going into the […]

Parliamentary advisor to the German Bundestag Has Come Out Warn the People

Warnung an die Bevölkerung Anonym, September 2020 Parlamentarischer Berater des Deutschen Bundestages Liebe Mitbürgerinnen und Mitbürger, ich wende mich als Mitarbeiter des Deutschen Bundestages mit der Funktion eines parlamentarischen Beraters an Sie. Durch meine Tätigkeit im Parlament habe ich Kenntnis davon, dass den Menschen in unserem Land wichtige Informationen in Zusammenhang mit der Coronakrise gezielt […]

The Markets & the Political Chaos into the Future – Where do we go?

Sometimes it is important to try to look at markets from an interrelated perspective. Here is the Dow/Gold Ratio which shows the extreme high in the Dow when gold made its historic low in 1999. We then see that gold rallied into 2011 against the Dow, but since that high, the Dow has been gaining […]

Capital Flows Will Be the Key

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, If this “Great Reset” movement pushes gold underground, what kind of a future do we really have? HR ANSWER: On election night, Trump should win. However, the real question will be the mail-in ballots, and are they legitimate. As I have said, it really does not matter who wins from the perspective […]

The Masks – A Symbol of the Real Agenda

  I have spent decades in Asia, and people who were sick wore masks as a matter of courtesy. Masks were not worn by people to prevent getting sick because they do not work that way. When I went to the ER and they threw me into a COVID wing, I told them I did […]

Black Market & Gold

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, If this “Great Reset” movement pushes gold underground, what would that mean for gold producers? I recall reading on your blog that when gold was confiscated in the United States to devalue the Dollar, gold producers were happy because governments started buying their product at a fixed price which allowed the […]

Climate Clock Erected in NYC To Further Propaganda

As part of this Climate Week in New York, intended to influence the US elections against Trump, they have created a clock to countdown the time remaining before we all die and it is too late to reverse climate change. The propaganda is the only way to stop this is to end fossil fuels and […]

The New Norm – OMG

The Economist just ran a story that summarized the change in work that “people particularly fond of their pyjamas [sic] have for decades been arguing that a lot of work done in large shared offices could better be done at home. With covid-19 their ideas were put to the test in a huge if not […]

United Nations Trying to Influence US Election Against Trump

It should come as no surprise that the United Nations is seeking to expand its power to a worldwide government as numerous countries turn to the UN to impose this be Great Reset so they can claim it is not them. The United Nations has scheduled Climate Week NYC which starts tomorrow and is intended […]