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Gold – Falling From Grace

Gold has been trending lower Breaking the June low of 2013 showing that the Benchmark Forecasts in The 2014 International Metals Outlook Report are right on track as it hits fresh four-year lows. The Gold Promoters are just desperate for bullish news and will craft whatever they can to continue their delusional bubble in which they live. […]

Youth Should Work For Free – Bank of Canada Recommends

What is seriously being overlooked here around the world politically is we are dealing with a revolution of the youth as a consequence of the collapse in Marxism. Pictured above is Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz who has amazingly stated that the rising unemployment among the youth who are living in their parent’s basements, […]

IRS is Seizing Money of Small Business Operator Routinely!

The new trick the IRS has been doing is attacking small mom and pop businesses on a ROUTINE basis. The number of reports coming in from around the country are outrageous where small businesses deposit daily receipts under $10,000 kicks off their rule about what is known as “structuring” – depositing money under $10,000 or […]

Replacing the Dollar

  The conspiracy crowd keep swearing the dollar has to collapse and remain clueless that the world is in serious trouble. The impact of debt is far worse outside the USA than inside yet their myopic vision blinds them to the truth. Taxes are so high in Europe and this renders it is impossible to […]

IMF Forecasts are Always Wrong – This Spectacularly So

When it comes to forecasting, the IMF is virtually always wrong to a large extent. Indeed, often they are spectacularly wrong as was the case with the financial crisis of 2007-2009. Why anyone ever bothers to listen is really baffling. They never admit mistakes and are clueless about forecasting any change in trend. What is […]

The Pending Phase Transition & Cycle Inversion

QUESTION: Marty, I went to cash in September since this was the first time you said there would be a serious correction in the stock markets going into November. Do you think we will get the phase transition into 2015.75 or a cycle inversion creating the low next year and stocks would then rally into the […]

Will the Demise be Plague or Economics?

QUESTION: Hello Marty. I have been reading you even before you’ve had a blog. Always enjoy your articles. You have stated that the global economy will take a dump after 2015.75. You’ve also stated that the plague cycle started this year and will peak in 2019. I read an article the other day that the […]

Hollande Single-Handedly Destroys France

France is bankrupt and part of the Sovereign Debt Crisis comes when a government has to roll its debt and there is no bid. Next year, France’s President Francois Hollande must face a budget deficit along with the country’s biggest-ever rollover of existing debt in history. If there is no bid, we are looking at […]

74% of all Municipals want to raise Taxes – Hello DEFLATION!

Municipal governments are going broke everywhere. This entire structure of government would never have been designed even by a moron. In Germany. a survey of 300 municipalities shows that 74% are planning to raise taxes. Now 27% plan to increase their cemetery fees, 25% want to demand more money for attending daycare or day schools. […]

Healthcare Peak

QUESTION: In light of this predicament, as evidenced by your unequivocal statement regarding healthcare, will hospitals still exist, or will employees of the industry just blow away when this crisis peaks? Or will healthcare fields become below-standard-income careers in the future? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. As always, I thank you for taking the time to enlighten us […]