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Businesses Relocating to Texas Every Five Days

Companies are rapidly fleeing to Texas. Governor Greg Abbott has stated that Texas will soon become “the home of semiconductor manufacturing.” He would like to discontinue outsourcing the manufacturing of essential supplies and incentivize businesses to relocate. “The country made a mistake over the past one or two decades to farm out manufacturing of all […]

Is COVID Following the Economics of the Black Plague?

While just about every historical piece on the Black Plague you will read tells the story from the plague perspective. However, I look at history differently. I always correlate everything from all sides and what all the reports on the Black Plague overlook are the economics of the crisis. While there are no GDP records, […]

Sanctions and Starvation in Afghanistan

    (Afghanistan-related designations are one of the few cases in which President Barack Obama’s administration imposed more economic sanctions (103) than President Donald Trump’s administration (24), which was publicly engaged in peace talks with the Taliban from 2018 to 2020 and issued fewer sanctions. (U.S. Department of the Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control; […]

The Great Reset 2021

While many have desperately tried to call the Great Reset a conspiracy theory like the New York Times, that term was created and has been marketed by Kaus Schwab's World Economic Forum. Today, it seems whatever they try to label conspiracy theory is becoming a label of truth and censorship. This scheme has been marketed as the solution for the future claiming the people want equality (Communism) when in fact it has been just propaganda intended to cover up the fact that after issuing debt with no intention of ever repaying that debt since 1945, the decades of fiscal mismanagement is coming to a crisis point. When they say you will own nothing and be happy, all they are doing is trying to make you feel that they are doing this for you - not for themselves. This report looks more closely at the objectives behind this Great Reset that everyone should know.


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Shipping Container Price Surge Will Result in Increased Prices on Consumer Goods

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) announced that we should expect consumer prices to rise 1.5% on average over the next year due to the global shipping crisis. Inflation, fuel increases, and labor shortages are among the many factors that have caused shipping costs to spike. “UNCTAD’s analysis shows that the current […]

Brussels Erupting with 50,000 Protestors

COMMENT: Hi Marty, Thanks for all you do, I came to the Euro crisis seminar in Frankfurt. I Will never forget that you warned back then that in Q1 2020 everything would go crazy. Here we are in 2021 and finally, Belgium is waking up, 35000 protested in Brussels today. reported to the news. Easily […]

The Health Monopoly

Bill Gates will emerge as the richest man in human history, for he has succeeded in creating a health monopoly. The royalties from the never-ending vaccines will propel him to more wealth than Bezos, Musk, Buffett, and the top 10 COMBINED. He then puts his wealth in a foundation that will be exempt from the […]

Market Talk – November 9, 2021

  ASIA: The US central bank warned Monday that China’s ongoing property woes could elevate “financial stresses in China, [which] could further strain global financial markets and negatively affect the United States.” In its biannual report on financial stability, the Fed pointed specifically to the crisis at Evergrande, China’s most indebted developer. The company has […]

North Korea On the Brink of Famine

We recently reported that there is a cycle to famine. Sadly, the hermit kingdom of North Korea is no stranger to starvation due to the mass human rights abuses carried out by their government in addition to unfavorable weather. Business Insider recently reported that the country has resorted to breeding black swans to provide a […]

Musk Offers to End World Hunger Under One Stipulation

If billionaires paid their fair share, we could allegedly solve world hunger. How? David Beasley, director of the UN’s World Food Programme (WFP), called out billionaires such as Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos for not donating funds to solve world hunger. “Just $6 billion could keep 42 million people from dying,” Beasley claimed. Musk took […]