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Cruz to Introduce Visa Requirement for all Europeans

The ramifications for the refugee crisis in Europe are crossing the “pond” and arriving in the USA. There are mainstream politicians now calling for visa requirements for EU citizens because they do not know who are terrorists among them. Even Ted Cruz has been forced to jump sides after adopting Trump’s positions in part. Where Trump […]

All Three Terrorists in Brussels Had Links to Paris – Is ISIS Waging War on Europe?

I have warned that each terrorist group seems to act in their own cyclical manner, and the cycle that evolves is a fingerprint to each group. Now, it turns out that it has been confirmed that all three of the bombers in Brussels had links to the cell in Paris. These attacks are strategic in […]

On Pi Day Hungary PM Said Europe is Dying This came precisely on our target. This past week was the tipping point for Europe. The start of the real decline in the euro where mainstream capital begins to question whether negative rates can really reverse or stimulate the economy unfolds after 2016.202. This comes into play March 13/14, 2016. This is not my personal […]

Euro for Month-End Feb 2016

Our main number to watch remains at the 10460 level on a monthly closing basis. Our Major Monthly Bearish rests down at 9860. Our critical support begins at the 10335 level during 2016. Once that gives way intraday, we can see this fall to the 98 level. We still do not see a final low […]

Trump’s Reading of the Snake is Going Viral in Europe  

Is The Pending Euro Collapse on Target From Our 2011 Forecast of 2016.202?

The euro crisis appears to be unfolding right on target rather amazingly. Our target was published in “The Rise and Fall of the Euro” back in 2011. The target for the collapse in confidence was 2016.202. This comes into play March 13/14, 2016. It is rather amazing that we can target a specific event within time, years […]

Euro Near Collapse?

The euro continues its fall and the likelihood of reaching 116 is starting to dwindle. Even the British Telegraph has come out and stated that the bail-in plan for government bonds in Europe risks destroying the entire euro system. We have to understand that those in power are clueless. All they do is try to […]

European Banking Crisis

European banks are in a real crisis. They have been decimated by fines and trading after they tried to mimic their New York competition without the same expertise. Then they had to use euro debt of member states as reserves. Next came the rising taxes and the push to enforce taxation which has seriously harmed […]

U.S. to Increase Defense Spending by 400% in Eastern Europe

The new budget proposal reveals that the U.S. military plans to quadruple its resources to confront “Russian aggression” and to strengthen its presence in Eastern Europe. “We’re reinforcing our posture in Europe to support our NATO allies in the face of Russia’s aggression,” commented Defense Secretary Ashton Carter.

Euro Crisis & the Dollar

  We are finishing up the world currency reports. The reports are not ready at this time, but we will make an announcement once they are available. As we stated at the conferences, nothing appears ready to break before May. Nevertheless, the crazy period ahead appears to be the 2017-2020 time frame. The euro held […]