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How Mainstream Media is Destroying the United States

It is becoming clear day by day why the mainstream media has been so against Elon Musk buying Twitter for as they say in law enforcement, there is a “Blue Code” where cops do not rat on cops and the same is true about judges. Mainstream media is so LEFT it has forgotten how to […]

The West Simply Wants War With Russia

If you dare suggest peace, you suddenly are painted as a Putin Supporter. The West simply wants war and this is really about Climate Change. Even the propaganda pretending this is all Putin and if somehow he was removed, the world would be better is utter nonsense. We may see the reality of that come […]

Retired US General: Whoever Comes After Putin Will be Much Worse

Former Commander of US Army General Ben Hodges admitted that Putin’s successor will be “much worse.” This is what I have warned, as Putin is surprisingly a middle-of-the-road leader compared to others. Hodges believes that the Russian government is already split on the Ukraine war, as many have personally faced sanctions and monetary losses. People […]

Trump is Back

Donald Trump announced that he is officially running for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. The only president in American history to win re-election after a defeat was Grover Cleveland in 1892. The establishment repeatedly tried to impeach Trump to prevent him from seeking a second term, but he’s back. Trump wanted to keep America out […]

Zelensky the Liar – He Will Be Remembered by History like Hitler

  At 8:18AM Zelensky on a video call to G20 leaders told them that Russia was a “terrorist state” among them and that the attack was deliberate by Russia and that the missiles were a “true statement brought by Russia for the G20 summit.” It is now confirmed that the missiles were fired by Ukraine. […]

UN & ICC Now Guarantee World War III is the Only Solution

I previously reported that my sources inside the ICC would move to charge Putin with war crimes. No head of state has EVER been charged for the actions of those on the battlefield. Russia is not a member of the ICC, and neither is the United States for that matter. This has merely guaranteed that […]

Russian Missile Lands in Poland

Russia fired a number of missiles at Ukraine taking down power grids and hitting Lviv which is just 50 miles from Poland.  It appears that two of those missiles fell short and landed in Poland. Latvia’s deputy prime minister, Artis Pabriks, said Moscow had fired missiles that landed in Poland and Putin sent Warsaw his […]

Another Brick in the Wall

It is rare for a celebrity to speak out against the agenda. Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters has reached a level of fame where he can question the status quo as his legacy is sealed. Waters called Biden a “war criminal” for encouraging the war in Ukraine. “This war is about the action and reaction of […]

Division of Pure Hatred

QUESTION: Dear Marty Are we indeed witnessing this divide between socialists/Marxists and conservatives/sensible people worldwide not just in the USA? Is this the last worldwide battle against marxism (anti-God)? Look at Brazil. No different. In the protests yesterday several Lula supporters actually ran over Bolsonaristas who were protesting in the street. At least 5 were […]

Market Talk – October 31, 2022

ASIA: Officials in Chinese cities and provinces across the country are pulling no punches in stamping out sporadic COVID-19 outbreaks as winter nears, quickly closing venues and enforcing longer temporary lockdowns on millions of people. Cases in mainland China hit 2,898 on Sunday, topping 2,000 for a second straight day and pressuring the country’s controversial […]