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Testimonials – World Economic Conferences

Our World Economic Conferences provide a rare glimpse into our financial futures, enable attendees to learn from the leading economic expert, and attract like-minded individuals from around the world. As a politician and past guest speaker Nigel Farage said, the WEC is “the alternative to Davos.” Perhaps our past attendees can explain it best:   […]

Persecution – An Economic Symptom?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Is it true that in Spain under Isabella demanded all Muslims convert or leave Spain? Are we facing such a cycle again when we look at the hostility that is growing over religion? KG ANSWER: That is an interesting question. As far as a major religious uprising, we are probably looking at that […]

May Survives No-Confidence Vote but has until Monday 21st to present New Proposal

The British pound moved higher following the British Prime Minister Theresa May’s government narrowly surviving a no confidence vote brought by the opposition over the handling of BREXIT. The vote was narrow with May winning by just 19 votes. Our sources were correct that she would survive. However, while the 21st seems to be a […]

Does Religion Also Decline with the Confidence in Government?

  As we head into the end of this Economic Confidence Model Wave in 2032.95, there are many trends in motions. One of those trends is the decline in religious beliefs and the preparation for a change that historically comes with such monumental economic shifts. A signal of this is how the Irish voters overwhelmingly backed repealing […]

Superbowl LII – Can a Model Ever Be Created?

  Well, Superbowl 52 is here and it promises to be the coldest one ever – no doubt caused by Global Warming.  Since Superbowls began in 1967, we are setting a new record. My daughter told many people at the conference how I had just flown back from Europe and she was in the hospital just […]

The Euro on Yearly Models – Let the Crazy Times Roll

QUESTION: Reviewing the private blog, at the end of 2016 on December 31 you wrote “When it comes to the Euro, the Major Yearly Bearish Reversal lies at 10365 and the intraday low for 2016 was 10352 closing the year at 10513. This too warns that we may not be ready to meltdown just yet.” […]

The Confidence Game – The Next Crisis

QUESTION: Martin, I started following your models shortly after college in 2000 when I entered the financial advisor world. I soon realized how clueless this industry was and formed a hedge fund in Tampa in March 2007 to short retail and housing, largely based on your models & my understanding of cycles. I reached the top […]

Hillary maybe Just What the Model Needs to Finish off the Economy

A Hillary presidency should be the best possible outcome for the markets since they should then begin to reflect what happens when you completely undermine confidence in government. Hillary holds first place in the poll for the perceived most dishonest presidential candidate ever to run. There will be an endless row of new scandals and how […]

2016 World Economic Conference Tickets Available Now

Thursday, November 10, 2016:
2016 Institutional World Economic Conference

Friday, November 11, 2016:
Technical Analysis Seminar

Saturday & Sunday, November 12-13, 2016:
2016 World Economic Conference

Summers & Why Economics Refuses to Forecast

  QUESTION: Marty, Regarding the brief clip of Larry Summer’s opining on why economic declines are hard to predict, I was struck by the 2nd part of his explanation, which seemed to me to indicate that economists would not want to forecast a decline (even if they could) because it would set expectations of a decline […]