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Energy – Igniting the Old Texas-New York Arbitrage?

We will be publishing an institutional quality report on Energy. There are large shifts in the energy complex not only due to advanced drilling technologies, but also renewables. When we put out that forecast that oil would rise from $10 to $100 back in 1997, people were shocked. We even had a request to construct a […]

Something Is Dangerously Wrong at the New York Fed

In a speech this week, New York Federal Reserve Board President William Dudley addressed pervasive misconduct within the financial industry, refusing to dismissively lay the blame on a few bad apples. “The problems originate from the culture of the firms, and this culture is largely shaped by the firms’ leadership,” Dudley said. He offered some interesting suggestions on industry compensation practices, […]

Counting Your Fingers in New York

The big money center banks trade against clients ALL THE TIME and they will eat their own in seconds. You cannot ever deal with these people and expect that they are ethical or honest, which is why they OWN the SEC and CFTC along with every other pretend regulatory body. When I got one of […]

New York votes for New Mayor Who is in a landslide Against Bloomberg

New York votes for a new Democrat Mayor, Bill de Blasio who seems poised for landslide victory. Mr de Blasio has run against everything Bloomberg has stood for and gained tremendous popularity by standing up against Bloomberg’s unconstitutional Stop-and-Frisk policy where police can search anyone at anytime on a whim. Only someone like Bloomberg could possibly […]

New York Lost The Financial Capital of the World – It’s London

QUESTION: Did New York follow the 224 year cycle peaking as the financial capital of the world?   First Bank of the United States – Third Street, Philadelphia ANSWER: No. The first financial capital of the USA was Philadelphia, which is where both banking and the first stock exchange began. The Philadelphia Stock Exchange is the […]

New York lost the Status of Financial Capital of the World. Who has it Now?

New York and the corruption of the courts and government that has made the bankers the new “Untouchables” has taken its toll. The actual financial capital is London despite the fact that the British economy is still headed lower. The hedge funds are buying up  Mayfair in London. There is a Global Financial Centres Index where […]

Due Process & New York – The End of Reason

QUESTION: My daughter in school discussed your case as a denial of due process of law. Your case is really famous in legal circles. ANSWER:  I get that many times. Even my cousin’s son in South Carolina experienced the same thing. When he told the teacher I was his cousin, she couldn’t believe it. To […]

New Yorker Magazine – The Secret Cycle

The-New-Yorker-article (PDF) 10 Page Article on Martin Armstrong

The Truth About Fake News

The Economist’s editor-in-chief, Zanny Minton Beddoes, wrote that global warming would damage a tenth of the world’s residential property by value. They reported that this includes “many houses that are nowhere near the coast. From tornadoes battering Midwestern American suburbs to tennis-ball-size hailstones smashing the roofs of Italian villas, the severe weather brought about by […]

Biden New Regs Will Cost up to $25,000 per home to Comply

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you know law like no other analyst. My air conditioner bit the dust, and it was a 14-seer 2-ton split heat pump. The repair company told me that I had to put in a whole new system because Biden changed the specs, and you now must have a 14.5-seer, so everything has […]