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Democrats Are Dancing in the Streets Over Bankrupting Trump & Family

I have warned that our computer has put out a MAJOR long-term SELL SIGNAL on New York City.  You had better get the HELL out of NYC and not do business with ANY company in New York City, for the courts are no longer reliable. The novel action against Trump is that you claimed your […]

Fanni Willis & Her Lover Wade Met with White House BEFORE They indicted Trump

The standard for RECUSAL is if their actions of “impartiality might reasonably be questioned.” There is not a single case against Trump where it cannot be “reasonably” questioned as to what is going on. These people are so corrupt, they will NEVER recuse themselves and this is how nations collapse. Once the Rule of Law […]

Trump wins North Dakota 84.6% to Halley’s 14.2%

Trump won the North Dakota primary. Because he got more than 60%, he took all the delegates. Most media say he won. They seem not to want to report the actual numbers. Trump won 84.6% against Haley, taking 14.2%. We will see if she refuses to drop out after Super Tuesday. That refusal will warn […]

Supreme Court Unanimously Rejects Removing Trump from the Ballots

Trump v Colorado Decision COMMENT: Marty, the Supreme Court bought your argument that there is no subject matter jurisdiction for the states to remove Trump from the ballot. Even the Democrats on the Court unanimously agreed that states do not have the authority to enforce Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment. You were right. “This […]

Trump Wins Michigan, Missouri, and Idaho – Big Time!

Donald Trump won the Republican caucuses on Saturday in Michigan, Missouri, and Idaho. Overall, Trump won with nearly 98 percent support against Haley. Back in December 2022, Gallup Poll had reported that 45% of Americans believed Trump has “a lot” of responsibility for the January 6th event. But with the passage of time, even the […]

Does Trump Want to Damage Ukraine?

The media is very calculated with how it spins stories to shape the public perception. Donald Trump has said that his first piece of legislation, if elected, would entail ending the war in Ukraine immediately. One would think people would cheer for the end of a war that has claimed thousands of lives. Instead, the […]

NYC Trump’s Case is a Warning – Get the Hell Out of NYC

    COMMENT: I have been considering the issues of whether the affirmative defense of qualified and other immunity defenses are or are not available to employees of states and cities if the complaint seeks only equitable relief and not money damages, and whether such defendants can avail themselves of the immunity defenses if they […]

Trump Cashes in on New Commodity

Donald Trump has the mind of a true businessman. Say what you will, but he knows how to turn any situation into a business opportunity. A day after the completely corrupt New York legal system ordered him to pay the government $355 million, Donald Trump appeared at “Sneaker Con” in Philadelphia to launch a limited-edition […]

Study: Trump Would Have Won Election without Mail-In Voting

  A new study has found that widespread voter fraud amid the 2020 US Presidential election tipped the scales in favor of Joe Biden, whereas Trump “almost certainly” would have won if this were not the case. “Had the 2020 election been conducted like every national election has been over the past two centuries, wherein […]

Trump fined $355+ Million Goldman Sachs $550 million for the Great Recession

COMMENT: If you want justice, go to a whore house.  If you want to get screwed, go to a courthouse in N.Y. UD REPLY: That is probably very true. I guess you at least get what you pay for. This fine imposed on Trump of $355 million, plus interest and penalties, is so outrageous it […]