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Ukraine Cannot Pay Govt in 2024 Without Billions from the West

Most do not realize that the West has been funding Ukraine’s entire government. Biden and other world leaders have promised Zelensky that they would fund the salaries and pensions for all Ukrainian politicians and government workers. Yuliia Svyrydenko, First Deputy Prime Minister, issued a warning that Ukraine will be unable to pay MILLIONS of government […]

Ukraine Propaganda

QUESTION: Regrding Ukraines’ failing economy article, posted on Dec 31st 2023. Why is it, do you think, that the west wants to weaken Russia so badly? Isn’t the greater threat China? And also, wasn’t it Russia that started the invasion, so do they not have themselves to blame for the scrambling of war mongering from […]

IMF Gives Ukraine $900 Million – International Donor Fatigue

The International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) executive board has approved a $900 million disbursement for Ukraine from its $15.6 billion loan program. This decision was made just hours before IMF chief Kristalina Georgieva met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The approval follows a staff agreement reached last month with Ukrainian authorities after the second review of […]

PRIVATE BLOG – Ukraine Nearing Defeat

PRIVATE BLOG – Ukraine Nearing Defeat Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Servant of the People Leader Said NATO Forced Ukraine to Reject Russian Peace Treaty

Davyd Arakhamiia, leader of the Servant of the People, released a damning piece of information that has been swept under the rug as it proves Moscow attempted to end this war long ago. This key information is important to keep in mind as the Neocons have infiltrated all upcoming elections. Davyd was present during the […]

PRIVATE BLOG – Ukraine on the Edge of Victory or Defeat

PRIVATE BLOG – Ukraine on the Edge of Victory or Defeat Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Ukraine Cannot Win

  When I said that Ukraine had lost 100,000 soldiers DEAD, I got a rash of emails claiming I was spreading Russian Propaganda. Then the head of the EU said that in a speech, and Zelensky said it was classified and she had to take that out. Of Ukraine’s 700,000 army, more than 150,000 are […]

Yellen Says America Has Not Done Enough for Ukraine

Janet Yellen never has anything of value to say, but she is the US Treasury Secretary and a mouthpiece for the globalists. Janet Yellen believes that Europe needs “us [USA] to do our part for this to hold together as a package,” despite sending Ukraine more funding than any other nation. Yellen said it is […]

Zelensky Wants Poland to Invade Ukraine

Zelensky is facing rising opposition. He has suspended the elections because he was elected promising peace and has consistently waged war and refused even to negotiate peace. He authorized a false flag shooting a missile into Poland, and tried blaming that on Russia. Zelensky told CNN in February 2023 that he refused to negotiate with […]

There Will Be No Peace As Long As Zelensky Runs Ukraine

It is stunning how the Ukrainian people have not looked at how their country has been destroyed and over 500,000 Ukrainian soldiers are dead all for a territorial grab under the propaganda that Zelensky loves to claim he is fighting for their freedom. The Minsk Agreement allowed the Donbas to vote for they are Russian […]