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Greta Says Democracy is Precious & not even Climate Change Should Cancel That

  Greta actually for once says Democracy is precious and not even Climate Change should sweep that aside.  She makes it clear that World Leaders have NO RIGHT to impose restrictions absent the vote of the People! Greta without a script written for her by Green Peace’s Jeniffer Morgan? My bet World Leaders will not […]

The Solution to Climate Change is Here

The solution to climate change is here: We have to stop raising beef and switch to insects, as directed by the UN We have to reduce the population by 62% Do this, and we solve all our problems — at least for the survivors. Since they can order vaccines and are completely immune if they […]

Climate Change – Really?

Lockdown Every 2 Years for Climate Change

I have received over the past year some people complaining saying what does climate have to do with economics? I cannot always reveal my sources or I will not have them. There are people in the belly of the beast who do sound the alarm and are not happy with what is unfolding. For the […]

Climate Change & the Dollar

COMMENT: Marty, at first I was not sure why you were focusing on the climate change issue. I now understand that climate is the main driving force behind this Great Reset which is out to undermine capitalism. Looking at the dollar through a global view I can see that cash is not trash. Thank you […]

Now Bill Gates Comes out – Climate Change is Worse than COVID

Now that Trump is defeated, we will see them move to the next excuse to crush the economy — climate change. Bill Gates, in his GatesNotes, wrote: “What’s remarkable is not how much emissions will go down because of the pandemic, but how little,” Gates wrote. “The relatively small decline in emissions this year makes […]

Lockdowns for Climate Change

This entire move for lockdowns under COVID-19 is not going away. They have destroyed businesses intentionally to end commuting. They are determined to end fossil fuels and to make your car obsolete. There have been discussions about using the lockdowns to further meet the climate change goals of reducing fossil fuel use. They are in […]

Is Climate Change Caused Only by the Sun?

QUESTION: Do you think the entire climate change is caused by the sun? KS ANSWER: No. Nothing can be reduced to a single cause and effect. There is a 300-year cycle in the energy output of the sun. But solar minimum changes the output to greater intensity of gamma rays. This may be responsible for […]

Prince Charles calls for Military Action-like Plan to Prevent Climate Change

  Prince Charles, who also has no qualifications with climate change, has come out and proposes a military-style response reminiscent of the U.S. Marshall Plan to combat Climate Change. Prince Charles is in league with Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates who has been behind using this virus as the excuse to lock down the world […]

Climate Change & Indoctrinating the Youth

COMMENT: Hi Martin, I wanted to comment about the blog posting ‘Fauci Belongs in Prison’. Having three children on remote learning by choice because we refuse to subject them to the draconian lockdowns at the school and mandatory mask requirements. Correct me if I am wrong, but didn’t Hitler say something like, “Forget about the […]