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Even Language Has a Cycle

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, it seems that there is a cycle to everything. I am starting to notice there appears to be cycles in the use of words especially in a legal context. Your piece on “discretion” is interesting how it evolves to suit the times. Money Laundering began as a drug crime and now it […]

Understanding Forecasting

QUESTION: Marty, I think your recent gold call has made me understand your model much better. Your timing is the key. You gave the weekly Bullish at 1287.50 in your report and the timing. You said that 1309 is possible if we elect that weekly bullish prior to March 14th week. Gold rallied and stopped […]

Can Mathematicians Forecast Markets?

QUESTION: Greetings Mr Armstrong and thank you for your excellent blog! I have recently started reading Benoit Mandelbrot’s The Misbehaviour of Markets in which he states that stock prices probably isn’t predictable in any useful sense of the term (p. 6). I recall that you have stated that stock prices can be predicted but not […]

The Superbug Has Arrived

For years, there have been warnings that the overuse of antibiotics was a danger. Now that danger has arrived. A new superbug has evolved, as life itself is always a cycle. This new superbug is impervious to ALL known antibiotics, an evolutionary step that was never contemplated. This superbug has the ability to infect other […]

False Move on the Yearly Level

QUESTION: Marty; This is what you explained at the last WEC. The risk of a false move on the yearly level. Correct? ANSWER: Yes, it is always fractal. A Yearly False Move is rare, and it becomes the biggest possible slingshot to the upside. The Dow made a Yearly FALSE MOVE on a number of occasions. For […]

OPINIONS vs. Quantitative Modeling

QUESTION: Dear Martin, Do you expect all markets to align with the 2015.75 turning point (or the few months following, due to false moves)? Would, in this case, such an alignment correspond with high/low reversals in trend, and all markets would then align to the ECM into 2020? Thanks in advance SB ANSWER: The next three […]

Everything is Complexity = Strength

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I was reading Wired and then I read your example of three states of government. I suddenly realized you discovered something that was unbelievable. You constantly mention that everything is complex like an onion. I know you have also a physics background. You talk about chaos and patterns upon patterns. I read […]

IMF Reports Warn of Financial Instability – Low Interest Rates Will Be Our Doom

While people argue over fractal banking and derivatives, the dark clouds on the horizon are approaching from an entirely different direction. A virtual secret meeting took place in Washington with the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and World Bank present over the weekend. The mainstream media reported that they only spoke about Greece, but behind the […]

The ECM and the Interaction of a Complex Wave Structure

  For the new readers is trying to grasp the significance of six waves, the entire structure of the universe is based upon cycles for this is how energy moves. This applies to absolutely everything without exception.   If you stand at the corner of a busy street and close your eyes, listen to the […]

What Can We Do

QUESTION: Dear Martin, All of the issues you point out…government debt, weather cycles turning down, bank manipulations, loss of individual freedoms, topic avoidance by the Media, hunt for taxes, the dying global economy etc… are absolutely INVISIBLE to the average American. People, in general, have no clue what is going on. With the exception of […]