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Is it the Elections or Interest Rates?

QUESTION: Dear Marty, Thanks for the continuous enlightening blogs about increasing interest rates and its effects on EM’s and others. Today on Bloomberg , they were discussing that the earlier 60:40 Equity bond correlation is breaking down and now it’s 100:0 i.e. both go up and down together. If I understand your view correctly , the […]

It Ain’t Interest Rates – It’s the Elections Stupid!

Jeff Bezos of Amazon loses about $80 million for every dollar the stock goes down.  No billionaire was hit as hard by the drop this week in the share market than Jeff Bezos. During the Wednesday selloff alone, the Amazon founder and CEO lost more than $9 billion. This is how they measure people’s worth by the value […]

Interest Rates & the Long-Broad Trend

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I cannot tell you how much I respect your work and your computer. It is so obvious that you have been correct on every market. Even last year at the WEC you warned that interest rates would continue to rise and the stock market would not Crash and Burn. My hat is off […]

Trade Wars & Rising Interest Rates – The Top Concerns of Fund Managers

The interesting fact is that the majority of fund managers today have reduced their equity allocation to their lowest level since November 2016 according to Reuters. The reason for this is their focus of trade and their assumption that the Great Depression was caused by a PROTECTIONISM. According to yet a recent monthly report by […]

Interest Rates Lock & Load or Stay Nimble?

QUESTION:  Hi Marty, I continue to read your blog and if I understand correctly, interest rates are going up. My question is, can one profit from higher interest rates such as buying CD or bank stocks like Wells Fargo? ANSWER: The one thing you do not want to do is buy a CD with maturity. As […]

Euro Interest Rates

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You have obviously been correct on the Euro. You even called the bounce but it stopped at 1.2550 and did not reach your ideal target of 1.28. You are saying that interest rates in Europe are more likely to rise faster than the ECB predicts. The French central banker Francois Villeroy de Galhau […]

Argentina Raises Interest Rates to Support Currency

  Argentina has just raised interest rates to 40% trying to support the currency. I have explained many times that interest rates follow a BELL-CURVE and by no means are they linear. This is one of the huge problems behind attempts by central banks to manipulate the economy by impacting demand-side economics. Raising interest rates […]

Interest Rates and Bonds


How Can the Majority Be Wrong if they ALL Expect Interest Rates to Rise?

QUESTION: Today most analysts think higher interest rates are on the way. If the majority is always wrong how does that play into the expectations for higher interest rates? HP ANSWER: With the Federal Reserve stating they must “normalize” interest rates since 2014, of course, the majority will view that will be the trend. We […]

Rising Interest Rates

While the stock market crashed as the pundit looked in their bag to try to come up with an excuse, they blamed rising inflation and interest rates. Yet, nobody is really paying attention to the underlying trend. The cost of carrying debt has been rising gradually and there are noticeable measurable impacts that the pundits are […]