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Title 42 to End – Border Crisis is About to Explode

Donald Trump noted in his interview with Nigel Farage that the US is expected to receive as many illegal immigrants as the population of NYC. The immigration problem is out of control and there is absolutely no way that the current economy can host such a large influx of undocumented people. Trump implemented Title 42 […]

The Real Debt Crisis is Here

QUESTION: Marty, Ever since the debacle in London with the long-term debt, there have been whispers in NYC about how the demand for long-term is drying up. When this becomes critical, is that when the whole thing comes crashing down? KW ANSWER: That was the real gist of Yellen’s speech back in October of 2022. […]

McCarthy & the Real Political Crisis

  QUESTION: Marty, you said 2023 will be chaotic in politics. What is going on with McCarthy I guess is what you were referring to at the WEC. Thanks. Your forecasts are always amazing DK ANSWER: What is taking place with McCarthy is precisely what the model has forecast. He lost the 11th attempt to […]

Portland’s Homeless Crisis – A Tale of a Blue City

Oregon is a beautiful picturesque state. Mountains, waterfalls, and beautiful beaches – Oregon was once a desirable place to live. Portland was a promising metropolitan area before politicians completely destroyed the city with light-on-crime policies.  The Portland Business Journal reported that high-earning residents relocated to areas like Deschutes County, Arizona, and Texas. As in all […]

Australia’s Rental Crisis

Renters across the globe are in a bad spot as housing has become unaffordable. The situation is particularly bad in Australia where rentals have reached a high not seen since 2009. As of March, the average rental was A$600 per week, surpassing the mid-2018 high of A$550. The is not enough supply to meet demand. […]

Energy Crisis Driving Up Food Costs

Agriculture experts are calling this season one of the most important crop years in recent history. The supply chain has barely improved, exports are expensive, and we must rely on domestically grown and raised food more than ever. Everything is connected, as are the ongoing crises. The energy crisis is adding to rising food prices […]

The Coming LIQUIDITY Crisis

QUESTION: Marty, You were named hedge fund manager of the year in 1998 for producing the highest return during the Long Term Capital Management collapse over the Russian bond crisis. At the WEC in Orlando, you said in 2019 that we were facing a liquidity crisis that would be similar to that event. Well, the […]

Baby Formula Shortage Hits Crisis Levels

COMMENT: My sister in Texas begged me to mail her formula for the past two weeks. She has been close to rationing the milk she gives her 4 m.o. son. The shelves are empty and there is no baby formula in sight! There have been news stories but it has not been discussed enough. My […]

Crisis is Shutting Down – Capital Flows Begin

QUESTION #1: Now that Canadian banks have proven themselves completely compromised by Trudeau and his bootlickers, is there a “safer” haven for $CAD? US$ accounts held by Canadian banks are available but are they really any better? D QUESTION #2: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thanks to your Blog I learned a long time ago that Europeans […]

The Largest Humanitarian Crisis That No One Discusses

Yemen has been at war for the past seven years. A once great land of ancient trade, Yemen has become one of the poorest nations in the Arab world. Their GDP for 2021 was expected to reach only 26.9 billion USD. The World Bank estimated that over half of Yemen’s population lived in poverty prior […]