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The Dollar Panic Nobody Seems to Grasp

The moves by the Fed on the weekend were really stupid. The market plunged for 2 days since their emergency measures and this is what undermines confidence. When capital begins to witness the failed measures by central banks as we have warned, this sets the stage for the slingshot which requires the sudden shock of […]

Europe Melting Down – Central Bank Chaos

The European markets are crashing from the currencies to the debt – even the Bunds. The smart capital is realizing that this is the end-game. Central Banks are in a state of absolute crisis. We are looking at the extreme volatility that is required to eventually create the slingshot. As we head into the end […]

Politics & the Bernie Effect

QUESTION: Hi Martin! Like everyone else that has let you know…thanks for the call before the drop! My question pertains to the possibility of the slingshot….as this drop so far has only reached just under 24,700 on the downside, how far down would we need to go to get everyone bearish enough to throw in […]

The ECM & the Market Crash

QUESTION #1: Hi Mr. Armstrong, Might the current correction be the set up for the long awaited slingshot move? Regards, BE COMMENT #1: I just wanted to say thank you. I sold out on the ECM and bought puts on the market. You just paid off my mortgage. God bless you! HJ COMMENT #2: Marty, […]

Next Financial Crisis – Stocks, Currency or Bonds?

QUESTION: Hi Martin! Would you please clarify the difference between an economic collapse and the currency crisis? Are they one and the same? In one of the pro-private blogs you mentioned a collapse in government debt before the slingshot move. Would that mean that my pension investment plan may disappear before the currency crisis and […]

The Pursuit of Knowledge

QUESTION: Hello Marty, I am fascinated by Socrates as it has opened my mind to patterns in my own nature and the flow in life. In fact, your economic models have open my awareness of the cycles in my life. As I have experienced support, resistance, reversals, phase transition and slingshots out of expanded consciousness. […]

WEC 2019 Orlando – Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door or the Big Fake Out?

We'd like to thank everyone who was able to join us at the World Economic Conference!

If you were not able to join, a video of the event will be available shortly.

Rigging the Markets

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I really want to thank you. You have opened the door to show that there is a hidden order that the great unwashed are unable to see. Not only did you say the Dow was not breaking out at the October high, but you even got the day of the low on […]

Dow & the Future

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I understand at the WEC you told the audience the stock market would correct sharply into January/February. For those of us who could not afford to attend a WEC, are we to expect the slingshot you have been warning should take place? Thank you; HP ANSWER: Yes. Timing is absolutely everything. DO […]

It’s the Inter-connectivity that is the Key

QUESTION: Hello Mr Armstrong, I read your blog since many years (i live in France) and i’m really impressed by Socrates … You have said that the $ will going to rise against the € and it’s exactly what’s happened !! You have said that the Dow Jones will rise into 26 000 points and will […]