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Puerto Rico in Sovereign Debt Crisis

Puerto Rico is also in the middle of a debt crisis. A federal judged ruled it was unconstitutional for a  state to modify municipal debt. Government debt is worst of all for there is never any fiscal management. All they do is is assume we schmucks are always there with deep pockets. They never know […]

Cycles of War & Sovereign Debt Crisis 90 Minute DVD

This DVD is a 90 minute version of the 2014 Cycles of War & Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference with Martin Armstrong. At this conference, Martin discusses the current Cycle of War and its impact on market trends as we move forward. Topics range from government spending, the gold outlook, to conflicts in the Ukraine. This […]

The Governments Know Sovereign Debt Defaults Are Coming

  On page 13 of the IMF Working Paper entitled Sovereign Debt Restructurings 1950–2010: Literature Survey, Data, and Stylized Facts, you will find this timeline on how to deal with the coming Sovereign Debt Default. Behind the Curtain, they know what is coming. They appear to be even using our timing. Numerous emails have come in asking […]

Constancio Says ECB Will Buy Sovereign Debt Next Quarter

  Here begins the Bond Bubble. The ECB will buy sovereign debt itself. This really makes little sense insofar as economics. Just print the money and stop pretending they are running anything from a conservative perspective. This is like moving $20 from your left pocket to your right and then claiming you have $20 in […]

Big Bang – Sovereign Debt Crisis

The Sovereign Debt Crisis is unfolding on schedule. I have warned at the Philadelphia Conference that half of Germany’s municipalities are on the edge of bankruptcy as was the case with Detroit. Instead of reform, no, government just increases the tax burden upon the people who they see having an endless supply of money to be […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis Alive & Well In Canada – Ontario is one of the largest debts in the world among sub-sovereign governments

Those that have been yelling about hyperinflation complete ignore the fact that there are 3 major levels of government Federal-State/Province-Municipal/City and the latter two cannot print money. All three levels simply consume and debt has been the major crisis for centuries. Back in 1514, in the Stutgart/Tubingen area, the lord owed about a million gold […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis Beginning

Argentina has bluntly stated it cannot make the next bond payment. The exist fees being attacked to long-bond funds is also the realization that our models are spot on. I am off to urgent meetings in Europe. All I can say is our phone has been red-hot. Equities are rapidly becoming the new international gold […]

Tax & The Top 1% – Who Are They? – The Pending Sovereign Debt Big Bang

COMMENT: Hi Martin, I’ve been reading your blog for a while now and it’s great to see that not even little ole us in Canada escapes your reaches!  Not only is Premier Wynne changing the definition of the meaning of “rich” in Ontario, yesterday’s budget also proposes a forced government pension plan.  She is proposing withholding […]

Update on the Sovereign Debt Crisis

  The theme of the conference seems to be spot on. Besides both civil unrest rising, international war potential in Korea and Eastern Europe, then there is the sovereign debt crisis that is brewing. For those who though the dollar would collapse and we would all be using yuan and rubles, well the Chinese government […]

Cycles of War – Gold – Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference March 21st

The Cycles of War – Gold & Sovereign Debt Crisis will be held at the Philadelphia Convention Center between 1 and 5PM on March 21st, 2014. The seating is limited and will be on a first come first served basis. This session will include an overview for what is coming and the outlook for Gold […]