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Iraq Threatens War with Turkey

Iraq warns that it will take military action against Turkey if they do not withdraw their troops from their territory. This would get complicated since Turkey is a member of NATO. So who is on whose side? Is Turkey just abusing its NATO status to attack Russia for seven seconds of violating its air space when […]

NATO Ships Arrive in Turkey

We have been receiving reports from people on the ground in Turkey that NATO ships are now docked there and appear to be enforcing perhaps a blockade or a show of support for Turkey. On the other hand, there are reports that Russian ships are being held there in port while other reports are denying that […]

Turkey Denies Russian Ships Access via Bosporus

What is becoming clear is that Turkey has most likely NOT acted alone against Russia. They have more likely than not fired the first shot in what may become World War III. Turkey has been buying the oil from ISIS and thus funding them. Yet at the same time, they are part of NATO and […]

Is Turkey Trying to Distract the World From its Debt Crisis Shooting Down a Russian Plane?

There is something not quite right about this entire incident of Turkey shooting down the Russian fighter jet and then attacking the rescue helicopter. Sorry, but Turkey is way out of line when they KNEW that Russia had no intention of attacking Turkey. A argument that Turkey will defend its borders implies there is a […]

Greek Pilot Flies F16 to Turkey to Withdraw Cash From Bank

According to a media report from the French website Radio Cockpit, a Greek military pilot Major Homer Sipostopulos, flew his F-16 jet and landed in the Turkish town of Söke on the Aegean coast to withdraw €2000 from a bank. The pilot used the F16 jet during a training flight to run to Turkey where he knew there was a gap in […]

Turkey turning Authoritarian – A Dangerous Global Trend

In Turkey, fights have broken out in Parliament as proposed legislation has been introduced to eliminate all civil liberties. The new police bill provides dramatically increased police powers allowing them to arrest, search and use firearms during demonstrations. They can now imprison protesters without charges, lawyers, judges, or any civil rights whatsoever at all for up […]

Turkey Sends Back 3 Islamist fighters to France

Three Islamist fighters from France could were returned by Turkey. To everyone’s surprise, they entered France freely at Marseille airport after Turkey had expelled them and put on a plane. The French authorities knew that Turkey’s three terror suspects had put on a plane. Nonetheless, the French police were not waiting at the airport Marseille, but […]

Ukraine Moving into Civil War – Turkey in Constitutional Crisis

There is not much left to be said. Christine Lagarde is a very evil manipulator. She has blackmailed Ukraine into fighting Russia head-to-head or she will pull the plug on IMF loans. The civil war burst out in full view in Odessa. Ukraine has 45 million people so it is not a small incidental republic […]

May Day in Turkey – Riots & Tear Gas

BBC is covering the May Day riots in Turkey where tear gas in the weapon of choice for now. If anyone question the rise in trend forecast by our Cycles of War, I do not know what planet they are hiding on.

Turkey Riots of Election Fraud

Simply put, the voters in Turkey just do not believe the election results and everyone suspected there would be massive fraud to retain power. After the victory of the Turkish ruling party in local elections, thousands of opposition supporters have taken their anger at the result on the road. In Ankara, police used water cannon on […]