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Democrats Praying for a Trump Assassination?

  COMMENT: I have been a Democrat all my life, and I am 72. I suppose I was a Democrat because my father was. Like you, after watching what they have been doing to Trump and the flood of illegal aliens that have resulted in my own neighborhood becoming no longer safe, I will vote […]

Judge Merchan’s Trial Will Destroy USA Like Trial of William Penn

New York Supreme Court Judge Juan Merchan is a seasoned jurist who is no stranger to Trump’s orbit. He has presided over the Trump Organization tax fraud trial, sentenced the former president’s close confidant Allen Weisselberg to prison over his role in the scheme, and overseen former Trump adviser Steve Bannon’s criminal fraud case. There […]

The Truth About Fake News

The Economist’s editor-in-chief, Zanny Minton Beddoes, wrote that global warming would damage a tenth of the world’s residential property by value. They reported that this includes “many houses that are nowhere near the coast. From tornadoes battering Midwestern American suburbs to tennis-ball-size hailstones smashing the roofs of Italian villas, the severe weather brought about by […]

Israel into April

QUESTION: Marty Socrates was the only one to forecast the trend change in Israel in 2021. With tensions rising over Iran, the forecast for a dollar rally into 2025 seems to be on point. My question is, I assume the 2021 low is a major low, and how high will the dollar go? Thank you […]

Mainstream News is Committing Suicide

Virtually everyone I talk to thinks mainstream news is just propaganda. COVID drove a spike through the very heart and soul of the First Amendment. Even five years before, people generally respected the news. COVID appears to have been the death knell to mainstream news. This chart shows the results of Gallup Polls, and the […]

War & the ECM

QUESTION: You have been the only analyst who has been correct that there would be no recession that just about everyone had forecast for the last two years. A friend turned me on to you and said mainstream media will never quote you because you do not play by their rules. I had to present […]

Will the War in Palestine End this Weekend?

@abcnews Pres. Biden said he “hopes” to have an Israel-Hamas cease-fire in Gaza by next Monday, adding, his national security advisor says “we’re close.” The comments from the president came during a stop at Van Leeuwen’s ice cream shop in New York City. ♬ original sound – ABC News – ABC News “Resident” Joe Biden […]

Colorado Supreme Court Violates the Constitution Itself – 4 Justices Should be Criminally Charged Now

  I took some time before posting about this decision by the Colorado Supreme Court, which is an all-Democrat-appointed court, because what I had to analyze was from a legal viewpoint and not partisan in any way. What these four Colorado justices, with their names in white, have done is in fact nothing shy of […]

Prosecution of Trump Starts Global Contagion Using Criminal Charges to Prevent Elections

As we head into 2032, the United States has shown the world that you can rig elections using criminal law. I reported how Argentina was bringing criminal charges against the opposition simply for saying, do not save pesos because the currency is collapsing. Thus, the government has turned that comment into a crime. In Brazil, […]

It’s All Just Propaganda

QUESTION: Do you think it is impossible for anyone to forecast a market from a personal opinion perspective? I have followed your long-term forecasts and they have been amazing. But that is Socrates not you individually. Correct? FD ANSWER: Of course! Nobody, alive or dead, can forecast the future of any market or economy from […]