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2-Year Old Dies in COVID Vaccine Experiment

I am sorry, but I do not believe in immunity for Gates and his vaccine companies. A 2-year-old baby dies after being vaccinated for COVID. The parents should be sterilized for they have shown themselves incompetent to even have children. This is where a non-career politician is so vital to our future. People like Fauci […]

Great Reset & Fake Pandemic

COMMENT: Marty, It’s one thing to steal an election, create a border crisis(when there was none) and then orchestrate an alleged attack on the Capitol, thus creating the perfect recipe for another attempt at impeachment. But with complications now surfacing with these vaccines(and follow on boosters, which by design are to ensure a continuous feed of […]

Collapse of Entertainment – Including Sports

  Oscar viewing fell below 10 million, a crash mode from last year’s historic low of 23.6 million viewers compared to nearly 30 million in 2019 pre-COVID. The entire entertainment industry, from movies and Oscars to football and sports, indicates that the future is not so bright and sunny. I warned back in 2016 that […]

Civil War is Coming – GLOBALLY

  I have been in political meetings over the weekend. I cannot stress strongly enough that there are cracks appearing in this Great Reset Agenda. While Klaus Schwab’s evil dreams of redesigning the world may be spearheaded by corruption, bribes, and influence, the end goal is really not that distant from the Communist Revolutions and […]

Real Estate into 2023

QUESTION: Marty, at the Orlando WEC, I asked you if your real estate forecasts for residential included condos. I believe you said no. I bought a house when your index elected a monthly bullish reversal in June 2020. Everything seems to have doubled since. Do you think your forecast into 2023 is influenced by the […]

Fourth Industrial Revolution Failure

QUESTION: As a programmer and a client of Socrates, I can tell this is not some neural net or deep learning AI program. What you have created goes far beyond that. Do you care to share your design? HS ANSWER: No. I fooled around with neural nets back in the 80s. I could see they […]

Books for Reference

QUESTION: Marty; I finally understand your position that inflation is not tied to the quantity of money but to the expectations of what people think will happen in the future. Are there any books that you can recommend on this subject? Thank you for being the guiding light.   EH ANSWER: I wish I could […]

Market Talk – April 12, 2021

ASIA: Asian markets have a very volatile day today. The surge in Covid-19 numbers globally has raised concerns worldwide. Indian markets fell in line with other major Asian markets. Nikkei in Japan, Hang Seng in Hong Kong, and Shanghai Composite in China fell between 0.5 percent and 1 percent on Monday. The continuing rise in […]

How to Stop Schools from Mandating Vaccines

QUESTION: Greetings Martin I hope all is well with you and your family. I wanted to get your opinion/advice on forced vaccines for children It appears the law is pretty clear cut with “experimental vaccines” cannot be forced by either private or public agencies. That being said it also appears that govt will step back […]

Biden’s Policy to Double Gasoline Prices

Biden’s objectives, or should I say the people really running his administration that does not include even Harris, is to DOUBLE gasoline prices which is Part-B of this plan to “Build Back Better” which first requires you to destroy the economy as it currently exists. Part A was using the lockdowns to end commuting and […]