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Head of Hungary Comes Out for Trump

  With terrorism raging in Europe, Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary came out and publicly stated that the anti-terrorism proposals of Donald Trump make him the better option for Europe and Hungary. More and more people I talk to in Europe are silently in Trump’s corner. The more intense the attacks, the stronger their […]

Election 2016: Libertarian v Trump v Hillary

QUESTION: Marty – Your computer has been predicting the uptick of a 3rd party candidate. Why do you never talk about Gary Johnson or the Libertarian Party? You have to be leaning that way yourself, no? He’s getting about 8.5% in the polls, on aggregate, he’s suing the presidential debate committee to get into the […]

Obama’s Brother Supports Trump

President Obama’s half-brother, Malik Obama, has come out in support of Donald Trump. He says he is unhappy with his brother’s leadership. Malik was Obama’s best-man at his wedding and has visited him in the White House. Nonetheless, Malik has come out and said Trump’s position against Muslims coming in to the United States was understandable, […]

Republicans Try to Sabotage Trump By Handing His Wife a Bad Speech to Read

Everyone knows these people just read whatever they are handed from the teleprompter. Trump himself has been more rouge when it comes to that. It seems that the Republicans took their shot and tried to make his wife look really bad by handing her a script that was obviously plagiarized from a speech Michelle Obama […]

Pro-Establishment Anti-Trump Elite Lose the Battle to Stop Trump on Day One

The pro-establishment, anti-Trump effort failed on the floor of the Republican Convention on day one. They were trying desperately to stop Trump as if they have any viable alternative other than some career politician to help keep the status-quo. John Kasich is an example of a career politician who really needs to be driven from office […]

Trump & Interest Rates

QUESTION:  Martin– Your models seem to predict a Trump win. Given Trump’s stated preference for low interest rates, how does that jive with rates needing to go up to normalize things and save pensions in the next year or two? Would the Fed have to give in to President Trump? Thanks! RK ANSWER: Keep two […]

Trump leading Hillary – Getting Interesting

The latest poll now places Trump ahead of Hillary 45 to 42. The storm continues to brew in the Democratic Party and our models show there should be a Republican victory. The Democrats appear to be going with Hillary who has over a 50% rating as being dishonest. On top of that, she is simply […]

Sanders for Trump’s Vice President

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, who would you recommend Trump asks to be his Vice President? ANSWER: If I were Trump, I would ask Bernie Sanders to be vice president and really stir the pot. The two have one major thing in common: Goldman Sachs says they are dangerous. Hillary can claim she is the only one with […]

Trump At Least Discussing the National Debt

While many are slamming Trump for suggesting that the U.S. buy back its debt for less than face value, the truth is that he is at least talking about the issue. When criticized by George Stephanopoulous, Trump responded, “You never know. At some point, they [China] might want to get out. Maybe they need their money, they might […]

Trump Appoints Christie Transition Chief

Donald Trump named Chris Christie, the New Jersey governor, to lead his transition team as reported by the FT. This is rather important. No doubt, Christie would take the position of Attorney General should Trump win. But the real critical aspect here is that Christie was the ONLY candidate to tell the truth about Social Security. […]