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Can Cryptocurrencies Survive in an Authoritarian World?

QUESTION: Thanks for all the great information you share. I have a question regarding cryptocurrencies. Do you think all countries will try to abolish crypto or only certain countries (such as the US) in favor of a central bank digital currency? As of now, many countries appear much more accepting of crypto than the US. […]

CBDC & the Fall of Western Society

  QUESTION: You said that when Rome fell it took 700 years before gold coins reappeared. Are we facing something like that again? PO ANSWER: Yes, when Rome fell, gold continued in the East under the Byzantine and Islamic Empires. However, in Europe, the last Western emperor was Romulus Augustus (475-476AD) who was a puppet […]

Illogical Ship of Fools

  COMMENT: Thank you for your private blog on interest rates. We seem to have the dumbest people in government possible. How could they sell debt when China was the largest holder and then threaten them with war over Taiwan? A third-grader would see the illogical assumption in this position. If they cannot sell the […]

Here Come the AI Regulators – the United Nations

Most people are unaware that the agency that was created to regulate the international telegraph has seized authority over the technology of AI when they lack any understanding of the subject. This is the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), and its global regulations are trying to now tackle AI. This is part of the United Nations […]

Will They Shut Down Gold & Cryptocurrencies with CBDC?

  There is no question that the real problem here is that the financial system is collapsing. These morons have been borrowing since World War II with ZERO intention of ever paying off the debt. They are running out of buyers. Attacking Russia and China has divided the world economy, which may be the Neocons’ […]

Ukraine is a Disaster, Putin is the Moderate, & Truth is the Victim

  COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, At first, I questioned why you were more pro-Putin than the media. But given your reliable forecasting and being renowned for your sources, I kept an open mind. Whilst it is becoming clear that Putin has been going after the people who wanted to nuke and totally invade Ukraine, the media […]

1st Amendment is Slowly Being Taken Away

  “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”- This is our first amendment right which was signed […]

The Death of Free Speech Is the Beginning

Tunisia is actually criminalizing free speech under the claim that it is spreading “fake news” to end free speech in the country. The problem is this is the trend in the aftermath of COVID. Anything disagreeing with the government narrative is increasingly moving toward criminalization. This was the very same trend that the LEFT took […]

Ukrainian General said Zelensky is Responsible for 100,000’s Dead Ukrainians

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, My cousin is in government here ___________________, and he said you have the best sources that even surpass some intelligence agencies. Only you have been reporting that your Ukrainian sources told you that Zelensky is corrupt and has destroyed his country for a handful of silver. It is coming out that the […]

The NATO Crisis Pushing Us into War

  I have been very busy with the whole NATO meeting and questions coming in from important sources. Fortunately, there are some who are looking at our model’s forecast. NATO has stated that while Ukraine can join the military alliance, that will only happen “when allies agree and conditions are met.” Zelensky, who I have […]