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Putin Has Won

In all honesty, Biden is the very last person you should put on the phone with Putin, who is clearly the most intelligent world leader on the stage today. The US is showing it is pathetic, incompetent, and barks but has no teeth. The West has clearly surrendered Ukraine to Russia. There is no way […]

The Total Collapse in Confidence of Government on Every Level

QUESTION: Greetings! You have said “they” want the economy to turn down, this is their goal with all the lockdowns. So now you say that if the economy has a low after March it will mean a decline into 2023. Does this mean “they” are winning if this happens? C ANSWER: No. This is the […]

Will Trudeau Fall?

QUESTION: Marty, you said Socrates projected that 2022 would be a Panic Cycle in politics. You also said that would be global and impact Canada as well. If I am not mistaken, I think 2022 was the 3 wave of your ECM in Canada. You were the first to say that COVID was organized and […]

Gresham & Fiat Currency – Theories Long Since Replaced

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Out of my utmost respect, you do stand-alone where all these analysts are calling for the collapse of debt and equity because of fiat currency. They may claim to have been there for the and 2008 bubbles, but you have been there for all of them. The blame they lay on […]

Trudeau Dreams of Dictatorship

In 2013 a reporter asked Justin Trudeau which country he most admired. “There is a level of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to turn their economy around on a dime,” Trudeau smiled and stated with seriousness. He went on to say how he admired (i.e., envied) how […]

COVID Restrictions Collapsing – Resistance Was NOT Futile

As we head into the March Turning point on the ECM, we have reached the critical point where I have been warning that Schwab and his evil agenda is collapsing. Resistance Was NOT Futile. These morons with their Climate Change Agenda have been shutting down energy everywhere they can long before there are any alternatives. […]

Has the Sea Level Really Risen?

NASA claims: Over the past 100 years, global temperatures have risen about 1 degree C (1.8 degrees F), with sea-level response to that warming totaling about 160 to 210 mm (with about half of that amount occurring since 1993), or about 6 to 8 inches. And the current rate of sea-level rise is unprecedented over […]

The Tonga eruption & Volcanic Winter?

The explosive eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano was massive. It would have covered much of California engulfing from San Francisco down to Los Angeles. They are still trying to figure out how big this event was yet it was certainly one of the largest to have taken place in modern times. The Volcanic […]

Geopolitical Tensions Rising in East & West

I have been warning that the most strategic offensive is not just direct, but to coordinate with China. If China moves into Taiwan and Russia moves into Ukraine on a coordinated basis, they will have to rush out and get diapers for Biden really fast. The US has informed the Ukrainian Embassy to send all […]

Putin Could Take All of Europe in the Blink of an Eye – Its Time to be AWAKE – not WOKE

The most conservative assessments have been that Putin could be in Paris in less than 30 days. Europe has been more concerned about steering money from defense to Marxist socialism. The net result is that Europe is not really prepared for a conventional war with Russia. On top of that, this COVID nonsense which has […]